Chapter 32

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*Stephanie's Pov*Roc is such an ass UGH he keeps trying 2 get me back but I can't trust him! He told my "friend" Jacory that we was married n now he won't even pick up the phone 4 me! Being a full time mom is tiring so I dropped the kids off at my dad's n went home n relaxed!*knock*i wonder who-Roc!*Steph: wat is it?! Roc: hey neighbor! Steph: neighbor? U moved next door? Roc: yep I brought u something 2 welcome myself 2 the neighborhood. Steph: give it here n leave! Roc: I have 2 take off my clothes 1st. Steph: ugh still pervy! Bye nigga! Roc: can I come in n chill damn, we r suppose 2 b friends 4 the kids. Steph: come on! N y the hell did u tell Jacory I was married 2 u? Roc: yall was getting 2 close he need 2 roll the fuck on fucking wit my baby mama n shit naw Roc Royal aint having that! Steph: but I heard about u fucking Shelia. Roc: huh? Steph: yea nigga Greg's mama? Roc: oh now I kno wat u talking bout but wat happened was I went 2 c him n he wasn't there n her husband was gone so she just gave me head. Steph: yea rite, yall fucking. Roc: but y u jealous aint u?*moves eye brows up n down*Steph: hell naw I'm not jealous I been there n done had that nigga pls plus 2 kids so yo dick aint brand new! Roc: but u aint had it in a year so*looks down n back at her n licks his lips*Steph: its been longer than that but is that y u came over here? To fuck?*walks off*u can let urself out! Roc:*damn it I fucked up AGAIN*no that's not y I'm here. Steph: then wat do u want Roc?! Roc: u only u I can't eat I can't sleep I need u rite by my side. Steph: this aint no damn song! Roc: but I'm serious I love u Y THE HELL U JUST WON'T GIVE ME ANOTHER CHANCE! Steph: exactly "another" chance so u can fuck up naw baby my heart have sustained enough hurt. Roc: I won't hurt u. Steph: yea w/e I heard that one b4 4rm the same nigga! Roc: that's y u won't never find no1! Steph: I hate u Roc! Roc: I hate yo ass 2!*he begin 2 kiss all over my chest*Roc: ima show u how much Roczilla missed u!*i snatched off her shirt off the her bra n played wit her nipples until they got hard n then I placed the rite one in my mouth n sucked n bit on it n then I gave the left one attention I didn't want it 2 feel left out u kno how I do ima giver! I went down 2 her navel n went lower n licked her waist line then I stuck 2 fingers in her n she moaned n grabbed my small afro*Roc: use it as a clutch then baby!*then I went down lower wit my tongue my baby was already ready moist 4rm that finger work so I scooped out tongue fulls of her wetness n swallowed it all*Steph*i dnt kno how we made it 2 my bedroom but we did n i pushed him on the bed n got on top wen I sit on the d he stopped me* Roc: aye u 4getting*i reached n the drawer n pulled out a magnum n slid it on *Steph*i sat on the d n rode on it slowly at first until he moaned then I picked up the pace while he smacked my ass n placed his hands on my waist 2 help guide me down on the d*Roc*i love wen she take charge but its my turn I flipped her over n put her legs on my shoulder n straight pounded her*Roc: whose is it? Steph:*i bit my lip becuz I love this forceful side of him n I wanted 2 kno wat he would do if I say I dnt kno u tell me*u tell me*moans* Roc*i was shocked so I went harder n faster n smacked that ass I'm in charge!* Roc: whose pussy is this Stephanie?! Roc: urs! *moans*Roc: uh huh not good enough*i went harder* whose is it? Steph: Roc's!*moans*Roc: I thought so!*so I went faster n harder n we both came n we just looked at each other n I broke the silence*Roc: look I kno everything haven't been perfect n I've been an ass but I wanna marry u I love u so much baby n I kno I fucked up but I'm lost without u, Stephanie Johnson I need u, will u marry me? Steph: umm I'm speechless!*i looked in2 his eyes n see that he's serious n he never has once said he was sorry 4 anything so ima try this again wit him*Roc I love u so much but-Roc: oh I understand n I dnt blame u I would've been done wit me 2. Steph:*smiles*I will marry u Chresanto August! Roc: seriously?!*i picked her up n spun her around*u dnt kno how happy u have made me I love u! Steph: I love u 2 but if u hurt me again its ur balls! Roc: I kno wat u mean 2 baby I'm never hurting u again u scared me this time. Steph: I love u Roc!*we kissed* Roc:*jumps on her* round 2? Steph: yea but get ur heavy ass off me! Roc: its the dick bay! Steph: yea ok! But I wuv u n ur ass! Roc: I love u n ur pu-Steph: dnt say it! Roc: fine I love u 2!

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