A week has passed. A week-
Since Serena lost her pendant.
Since Ash found it.
Since Serena got it back.
Since Ash became Keta.
Since Serena didn't stutter in front of Ash for the first time.
Since Ash got added into Serena's friend list, as both Ash and Keta.
And since Serena got that 'flutter' in her heart.
Much has changed in the past week. Gary and Ash regularly hang out with Serena and Dawn. Gary has started flirting with Dawn and Dawn is playing hard, but she eventually fell for that mahogany-haired boy. Even though Gary and Dawn didn't confess it yet, but Ash and Serena know that their besties are in love with each other. And they are happy for them. As for Ash, he has a hard time shaking May and Misty off him every single day and much to Dawn's and Gary's surprise, since Gary also got to know about Serena's long time crush on Ash via Dawn, Serena isn't feeling jealous, not even the slightest bit. This has amused Serena too and scared her. She used to envy May and Misty, as they always stuck to Ash and clung on him but now she doesn't care. This led to her concluding that, her crush on Ash is gone, which was kind of disappointing. But the worrisome thing now is that, she is getting to attached to Keta. Not that she doesn't like to chat with him but she thinks she is being too open to him. Too open to a person who, still, is a stranger to her. All she knows about him is his name, which is not real, his age, favorite color, hobbies,likes-dislikes and also that he attends Ms. Frost's, Mr. Watson and Prof. J's class with her. The rest classes are different.
Keta: What you up to?
Sere: Nothing much..you?
Ash smiled. He liked to chat with Serena. A week had passed and Ash had been progressing with Serena as himself and as Keta. Even though she isn't quiet comfortable with Ash yet, she surely is with Keta. And Ash doesn't mind whether she talks to Keta or Ash or to both. Unless it is him she is talking to, Ash is happy.
Keta: I am free...so wanna play something?
Sere: Does that involve us meeting?
Keta: Nope...
Sere: Ugh- 'kay!!
Ash laughed on one side of the screen, while Serena groaned on the other. Ash could feel the enthusiasm she had when he mentioned a 'game'. Well, she still was eager to know him. But after Ash politely declined the offer of meeting up, she groaned in frustration.
Serena could feel Keta laugh on the other side. After all, she is still trying to figure out who he is. And Keta has been avoiding this the whole time.
Keta: You still keen on meeting me?
Sere: Just drop it..so what's the game?
Keta: Truth or Dare
Sere: How do we complete a dare? For that we will have to meet...
Ash could feel Serena smirking as she tried to corner him into revealing his identity.
Keta: Fine! Truth or Truth it is then!
Sere: There is no game such as Truth or Turth..
Keta: Well it is now.
Sere: So who will start?
Keta: Ladies first.
Sere: Okay...So, truth or truth?
Keta: What's the difference between the options?
Sere: You must know! After all you 'created' this game.
Keta: Jeez, fine. Truth.
Sere: Oh well...so-
Keta: Revealing my identity doesn't count...
Sere: Yeah-yeah..so any crush?
Keta: Yep, I still remember. I once got my hand crushed when the door slammed on it. It hurt.
Sere: That was not what I meant!
Keta: Form proper questions for proper answers. Anyways, my turn!
Sere: Go ahead..
Keta: What do you think about- Trevor?
Ash had noticed this several times during class. Trevor would secretly glance and sometimes even stare at Serena. And he wasn't comfortable with the way he looked. It wasn't one of those 'friendly, I care about you, classmate' look. It was filled with passion, affection and lust. Ash had to get to know what Serena felt for him. He meant to ask her this questions since a long time but he didn't know who should ask- Keta or Ash. If Ash asked then Serena would feel that he felt jealous, which he actually did, and that would freak Serena out. If Keta asked, then Serena would feel as if he was a stalker, which he was. But since Serena didn't know Keta's identity, she wouldn't be able to do anything to him. But she could if Ash asked.
Sere: I smell something burning here...
Keta: Okay! I am burning with jealousy! Its just that- Trevor stares at you, weirdly.
Sere: I know he stares. But I would call it friendly.
Keta: How's that?
Sere: He is my classmate!
Keta: Alright, so what do you feel about him?
Sere: Trevor. He is a great friend. We have been studying together since 3rd grade and he always helps me. He cares a lot. And so do I. I like him- as a friend and brother. Nothing more and nothing less. I wish to be with him for the rest of my lives as great friends.
Keta: Wow..Everyone does have a special place in your heart.
Sere: Yep, everyone does. So my turn.
Keta: Ask away.
Sere: What did you mean by - 'I am burning with jealousy!' ?
Keta: You said that you smelled something burning. So I just told, I was jealous.
Sere: Burning- actually, my father burnt something down in the kitchen. Hehe. But- Jealous? For what?
Keta: Jealous from Trevor. I mean he stares at you! And you know that. But you still keep your cool, friendly attitude towards him.
Sere: Is that wrong?
Keta: It is. He obviously likes you. A lot. And I didn't want you to develop a crush on him.
Sere: Why so?
Ash felt doomed. He wrote too much. And also answered too many questions.
Keta: Well, I answered your question!! So now my turn!!
Sere: Okay. But, if you like me then admit it. No need to be so jealous.
Keta: Uh...okay?
Ash knew that Serena was just making fun of him for being jealous. But she got him thinking.
Am I jealous because Serena is more comfortable around Trevor than me?