Chapter 2: Happy Place

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Kotonoha had woken up early the next morning. After eating a small breakfast, she left early as well and took the train downtown. She planned on getting some things and was hoping to make it to school before class started. She had remembered what Eiichi said to her, and because things had gone so well over the weekend, she sent Makoto a text asking if he would walk with her to school. She felt calm and joyful. Not only had she been able to get Makoto back, but she had helped in the founding of a new group of friends that would meet every lunch hour. Maybe even before and after school! She thought maybe there was some possibility for Sekai and Eiichi to get together. They had seemed very friendly yesterday, they had both helped her out so much, and they were both knowledgeable in social matters, they might be a perfect match. She figured it was the least she could do. Maybe she could talk Makoto into helping her out.

The train stopped near a shopping district and she got off. She visited a crotchet shop where she purchased yarn and a book on sweater knitting.

She had imagined Makoto wearing something that she made with her own hands. During her childhood and through Jr. High, she had participated and even excelled in many activities like ballet, Iaido, and piano, but father insisted that as soon as she began her years as a high school student that she place more focus on her education. Simply because of that, she always had her nose buried in books because she couldn't think of anything else to do with her time. This was also in part because talking to new people still frightened her. She could remember very little of ever making something with her own hands. She thought now was the time to start. Maybe Makoto would be embarrassed because people didn't really wear homemade sweaters anymore, but the image of him blushing while wearing it made her giggle. She imagined him saying, 'As long as you made it...'

She had stepped back on to the train with glee in her heart. The ride back was smooth and she just took it all in. The sky was still a blue grey outside as the sun was just rising.

Her own friends, before she had very few, and now she felt as if she had been blessed with more friends than she could handle. And Makoto...if it had just been him, she would've been satisfied, but now, things were just fantastic.

The train slowed to a stop at her usual station. She would get off here and wait for Makoto to appear so they could take the train together.

The doors slid open and her eyes met something that was so out worldly, she must have imagined it. She thought she saw Makoto standing at the station. Sekai was with him, and she had walked up very close to him, her face closing in toward his. The doors to the train shut and it was off again. She stared forward, wide and stunned.

"Couldn't be..." she muttered.

It must have been someone else. She had been thinking so much about everyone, her mind must have played a trick on her. Besides, his back had been turned, and she couldn't see the girl all that well either. The thought was absurd, ridiculous, of course!

She shook it off. It was just her imagination. But then...why did she have this uneasy feeling all of a sudden.

When she made it to school, Makoto had returned her text, telling her to go ahead without him.

She leaned against the wall near the gate, her phone still in her hand.

It was just a coincidence, what she imagined and the message she had read four or five times now, it was all coincidence, had to be. Since Eiichi knew so much about people, maybe he could tell her. She wondered if he had been studying to be a psychologist in his off time, and knew a few things. Maybe that's what he did when he went home.

She looked up at the passing students.

She saw Makoto! She began to jog toward him, she couldn't wait to greet him. Doing this would shatter all her doubts.

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