not so BORED....

939 16 9

Hey cuties!!
Thanks the_fearless_warrior for the idea!
It was a bright early Monday morning, and a certain Valkyrie was patrolling the island, looking to see if there was anything dangerous, or if Viggo was attacking them

Astrid was getting very bored just flying around, her mind floated to her boyfriend, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III

she thought of how caring he was and wished he was right here with her

after a moments thoughts, she got an idea

she was going to go to hiccup's hut to see him

she turned around her dragon, and flew to the direction of his hut

hiccups POV

It was a bright sunday morning, and I was just sitting around, thinking of ways to make my inferno (fire sword) better

It was very quiet, until Astrid barged throught the doors on her dragon, stormfly

"ahhhhhh" I screamed

I started to run into a bunch of my inventions

"i'm not that scary, am I?" she said

"no, that was just surprising"

she looked at me for a while, coming closer

"so.....what are you here for?..." I asked 

"um....I...just.....wanted to...."

I stared at her

"ummm..." she said

I walked closer to her

"tell me the truth" I said

"fine! I was bored of just flying around, and I thought you would make me feel better" she said really fast, as though she was embarrassed

I walked a little closer to her

"well, I may be able to help you" I said with a big smile

she walked closer, and I kissed her

"so what do you want to do?" I asked

she stared at me

"I don't know" she said

I grinned,  "I may just have an idea"

I pulled her along

"where are we going?" she asked

"somewhere secret" I whispered

we walked quietly for a while

astrid's POV

me and Hiccup walked for hours, until we finally reached his wanted destination

"what are we doing here?" I asked

"we are going to have some fun" he said

I looked at him quizzically

he took me by the hand and, and said "do you trust me?"


"then close your eyes"

slowly, I closed them

he grabbed my hand and walked somewhere

after a while, he stopped and took off my shoulder pads, and my spikked skirt












he pushed me off a cliff!!!!!! (n/a did anyone think it was something else??)

I fell, very fast, and I could see that he had jumped as well whooping

why was he whooping to be falling to his death?

after a while, I saw that really, we weren't gonna die

there was a lake

that's what he meant by fun

that's why he pushed me off a cliff

I fell graciously into the water, It was cold, but it felt refreshing

he fell as well

"so! what do you think?" he asked

I punched him

"that's for scaring me!"

then I kissed him deeply

"that's for everything else"



what do you guys think?

was it bad, good? 

does anyone wish for a part 2?

please comment!

love ya!



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