Joy to the world

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"So, what are your plans tomorrow?"

"We get off at 6pm so probably just going to go home and have dinner." I reply as Niall makes his way through the city towards the hospital, his hand is tangled with mine and resting on my thigh.

"Harry invited us over for a dinner party, his family is in town." He says and I bite my lip thoughtfully, "Our families have always been close. I used to have a monster crush on his sister actually but my older brother Greg was way more her type, plus bro code." He adds and a pang of jealousy shoots through me.

He may be my first but I'm far from his, I mean he's been linked to Ellie Goulding and Selena Gomez.... I just can't compete with that, can I?

If Harry's sister looks anything like him she has to be stunning.

"Baby?" Niall asks breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Yea, that's fine. We'll just need to make sure to bring a change of clothes, what's the dress code?" I ask.

"Harry said to dress nicely so I was going to bring a suit." He shrugs and I sigh.

"I don't know if I have anything that nice Niall."

"I'll take care of it, don't worry darlin." He says as he pulls my hand up and presses his lips against the back. Niall pulls in next to the employee entrance of the hospital and parks before helping me out of the car, without even thinking he takes my hand slipping his fingers through mine as we walk into the hospital.

I notice a few looks and brows cocked at us but I jut ignored it, "I didn't expect you two to be arriving together!" Nancy chirps as she smiles as our linked hands, I blush as Niall releases my hand and then presses his against the small of my back.

"Noelle heard I was staying in a hotel and didn't want me to be alone on Christmas." He explains, shivers shoot through my body hearing my name roll off his tongue so effortlessly.

"Did she?" She replies smirking and I roll my eyes as Niall chuckles before he guides me towards the locker rooms, "Oh Noe! Your time off was approved last minute, sorry it took so long." She chirps as Niall looks at me questioningly.

"Thanks Nancy, we had better get in costume." I reply before leading Niall off to the locker rooms

"Time off?" He asks and I shrug.

"I always take a week off after Christmas, I'm off from the 26th to the 2nd." I explain and he nods.

"Have any plans for it?"

"No, I usually just stay home. Maybe hit the after Christmas sales and take the decorations down." I reply simply as a thought comes across my mind, "How long are you in New York?" I ask before chewing my lip nervously, Niall sighs as he leans back against the lockers.

"I'll probably head home after the first." He says with his voice full of regret.

"Where is home for you?" I ask curiously but not prepared for the answer.

"Los Angeles." He replies looking down, "Noe I-"

"Let's not talk about it, not yet at least. This is new to both of us." I whisper as I stand between his legs and place my hands against his chest, "I just want to spend as much time as I can with you before we have a big serious talk ok?"

Niall nods and slips his arms around my waist pulling my body against his, he presses his forehead to mine and sighs. "Alright." He whispers before kissing me softly, I know this is the last kiss I'll get from him for a few hours so I grip his shirt and deepen the kiss.

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