laura marano is a 23 year old girl. her mother and sister left her and her father abuse her. he drinks, het Laura and rap her. laura father decides to sale her to a 24 year old boy ross lynch. ross owns a business company and doesn't show his feeli...
Ross pov:I wake up to a loud crash and. Laura screaming. I get out of the bed and Laura's crying "babe what happened" she was in the kitchen on the floor " I..I was t..trying to cook for you then I burned m....myself" she showed me were she burned her self at and she was bleeding badly " god damn it Laura i keep telling you that we have people who cook for use let me see!!" I Yelled and she started to cry "I'm sorry I'm so sorry I..I just wanted to show you I loved you because yesterday" she cried.
I just took her hand she was holding and look at it she didn't hurt it badly I pick her up and carried her to the bathroom and took out the first add kit "it's going to sting a little ok" I told her and she nodded I softly rub the medicine on her hand and she flinch when I was done I put a band aid on her hand a kiss it " I'm sorry" she said and I nodded "I'm sorry to I didn't want you to cry baby I just don't like you getting hurt" she nodded and I kiss her head " get dressed so we can go out and have fun" I said and she nodded and went to her stuff to grab some clothes then she went to take a shower and she came out only a towel I kissed her on the cheek grabbed some my clothes and went to take a shower and got dressed
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^^laura outfit ^^
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^^Ross outfit ^^ "Let's go" I said kissing her cheek she grabbed her purse and I grabbed the keys we left and I locked the doors and we took the elevator down and walk out the door. Laura grabbed my hand and I kissed it then she pointed at a big teddy bear in the game buth "I want it" she said and I laugh"of course you want it" she grab my hand and pulled me to the buth and I laughed I gave the man $20 and he told me how to play the game I grab the ball and hit the target and it dropped down on the board and the lights went off and Laura clapped here hand and I just laughed and the man gave her the bear she was so adorable "thank you" she said and I kissed her "your welcome. What do you want to do know?" I asked her looking at my phone time "can we go on some rides" she asked and i smiled and nodded yea and after that we been riding roller coasters for 3 in a half hours "are you hungry" I asked and she nodded "let's go" I said
Laura pov:we went to subway to eat but I seen a little girl about 5 or 6 and she was holding a baby and she Was crying and the both looked tired hungry not clean and unhealthy the young girl looked at me and started to cry "Ross" I called his name and he looked at me "ya babe girl" he said holding me in his arm "we have to help those kids" I told him and he looked at them then me "honey....what if there parents looking for them we can't just take kids laur" it was heart braking to see the kids like that " Ross I just want to help them what if that was me setting there?" I asked looking up at him and he sigh "I would have help you" he said "exactly" I said
while getting out of his grip and walk to the little girl "hey" i said to the little girl " what's your hi name" she just looked at me and cried "plzz don't hurt us like that man did I just need help baby sister really sick a..and I ..i don't know what to do"the little girl said and started to cry "hey hey don't cry how about you come with me ok" I told her and she nodded. I grab the baby and hold the little girl hand and walk to Ross "Ross I'm going to take them to are hotel you stay here and get are food and can you plz get something for the kids I think the baby drink formula or something I don't know" Ross came up to me with a smile "I'll get everything they need Laura don't worry about it" I nodded and he kissed my lips " be safe plz don't let anyone you don't know come towards you plz I don't want you missing ok" he said and I nodded and kiss his lips until the baby start to cry "she's not feeling well" I told him and he nodded "go to the hotel" he said giving me the keys and I nodded "don't leave my teddy bear" I yelled as I start walking and I can hear him laughing " I won't" he yelled back we walk to the hotel and with a crying baby and the little girl was slowing down her past "you ok" I asked the little girl and she whimpered "I'm sleepy" she said I feel bad because Ross is not hear and he could have picked her up " we're almost there" I told her. When we finally arrived I grab the keys and walked them in the house the baby was sleep so I grab a blanket from out of the cabinet and wrapped her in it and put her on the bed then I went in the bathroom and run some water and I sat down with the little girl "can you tell me your name please" I asked and she nodded "my names k.c and my sister names zuri" she said and I nodded and smiled " you both have very beautiful name" I got up to turn of the bath water and help k.c. Take a bath then I here the door open "Ross is that you" I yelled forgetting the baby sleep " ya it's me he said walking in the bath room "I got her and the baby some clothes and pajamas" he said and I nodded "thank you" then the baby started to cry "I'll get her" he said and left. I got a towel and rapped it around k.c. And she walked in me and Ross bedroom and I fallowed her Ross was feeding the baby and I smiled and kissed him "she's really warm" he said I looked at the baby to see her eyes wide open "looks like she's not going back to sleep either and she needs a bath" I said as I tuch her head " poor baby. I'll wash her up " Ross said and I nodded I help k.c get dressed and when Ross came back in the room with zuri screaming on the top of her lungs Ross put her on a dipper and put some clean pajamas on her and kissed her head he gave her to me and went in the kitchen and came back with a bottle and hand k.c. And are subway sandwiches "thank you" k.c said and Ross nodded "your welcome" he said we all ate then we put k.c. And zuri to bed and they both drivin off to sleep zuri laying on Ross stomach and k.c curl up next to him and I looked at him and how he hold them to him and how carful he is with zuri and the way he looks at k.c like there his kids and then that gave me an idea "Ross we should adopt them" and he looked at me with a happness in his eyes "really i thought you wanted to wait unt- I cut him off "I can see how much you love them and how much they love you Ross" he looked down at zuri " I don't even know there names and what if they already have a mother and father An-" I cut him off again "ross if they had a mother and father they wouldn't be on the shreet and look how much they love you Ross let's adopt them" I said and he smiled and nodded "ok" I smiled and I kissed him then my phone ring and the zuri started to whine which case k.c to move in her sleep Ross softly husing her while rubbing her back I looked at my phone "rydel FaceTime me" I said answering the phone "I have been calling you since 3:00 in the morning and OMG" rydel gasp and then screamed and that's when zuri started to cry "rydel" I whisper yelled and then zuri started to scream "ok baby girl it's ok" Ross kiss her cheek I rub her back "sorry I'm was just suprised and happy what's there names" she asked well the Baby name is zuri and the older one name k.c. I look at Ross listening but still trying to get the baby back to sleep "aww so cute know I see why you wasn't picking up my calls"she said and I nodded the Ross took the phone and told rydel that we had to go and Hang up the phone " Laura can you hold her for a few minutes I got an idea" he said and i nodded and grab zuri and he got out of the bed and looked through the bag that's was on the counter and took out a teddy bear that looked like a rabbit "aww Ross" he came to the bed and showed zuri the teddy bear it took a little while until she quiet down and took the bear Ross smiled and kissed her cheek and I kiss his he took zuri and lay her on his stomach holding her and her passafire in her mouth and she fell asleep "good night babe he said and I smiled "good night" then k.c. Cuddled up to me and I kiss both of her and zuri head
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Awww they have a family know 😍😍😍marry Christmas 🎄🎁and Happy New Years 🎉🎉sorry I'm late