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These deep deep poems are based off on observations but mainly, it's based off on experience. Of course, we all know that these poems are a spin off from the story "Wasted Precious Love" because a girl talks about how emotionally hurt she was and how she has many regrets of her life. The message behind these poems is that we should always be careful with who we fall for because you don't know that person's real side, as in the true colors of the person. We sometimes just aim for the looks other than the personality but in the end, we should always know that the personality is what you should be after. Now a days in this generation, people take love for granted, they take it as if it's an opportunity for them to boost their prides and use them as ego boosters for their selfish intentions. For boys, here's some advice: IF YOU LIKE A GIRL, YOU SHOULD AIM FOR HER PERSONALITY, NOT HER LOOKS. YOU SHOULD NEVER BASE HER OFF ON HER LOOKS BECAUSE IT'S SHALLOW AND SELFISH. You should always limit yourself from her because no girl in this world likes a clingy type, a man that will make her feel choked emotionally. NO MAN SHOULD TAKE A GIRL FOR GRANTED, A MAN SHOULD ALWAYS TREASURE HER NO MATTER WHAT THE HELL HAPPENS IN THIS LIFE WE LIVE IN. If you're friendzoned by a girl you like, you should be mature about it because you should acknowledge that she has a reason like yeah, it will hurt you at first but you should learn to take it naturally instead of taking it to the hard path. For girls out there, here's advice: IF YOU LIKE A GUY, BEFRIEND AND OBSERVE HIM FIRST BECAUSE YOU REALLY DON'T KNOW HIS REAL SIDE. Be careful with his words because words can be a trap especially if they're sweet words. You should always remember that the right guy will come, don't lose hope (this also reaches out to guys). Think twice before you fall for that person.  Go out there, there are many things out in this world than love. Love can always wait at the right timing and the right person will come, it's God's plan. God will be the one to take care of it, all you gotta do is lay back and enjoy life. 

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