The chair flew across the room.
"ARGH! I said I was sorry, didn't I?"
Shuurai appeared in front of Genma again and suddenly started to whine. "But now every time I walk down the street people flog me and ask for my autograph. And I don't even have an autograph!"
"Well, EXCUSE me for making you famous." Genma smirked at her and sat himself down comfortably in the chair that had just smacked his face. Wiggling around in his seat, he looked up to see Shuurai smothering her giggles while trying to avert her gaze from him.
Genma frowned. "Yo lady... are you on steroids or something?" Shuurai raised a brow quizzically at the instructor treating her home like he owned it, and of course this was the perfect time for Sasuke to stroll in through the front door, hands in his pockets.
"Rai, you have tomato juice? My bottle ran out." Not even bothering to look her way, he walked into the kitchen and seconds later the pouring of juice straight into his mouth could be heard.
"Oi! You have a freaking glass in the kitchen! Use it! If a drop falls on to the floor then Lord forgive me, I will.." Shuurai all but yelled. Sasuke poked his head around the kitchen door.
"Nothing fe-" Woops. He'd foggoten to swallow before he started talking. The juice cascaded down his shirt and fell onto the floor, leaving his mouth, his clothes and the thing that liked to give people hugs (aka the floor) stained in blood red liquid.
For ten seconds the place was so silent that crickets could be heard chirping outside. Then the firecrackers exploded and Sasuke was almost kicked out of the house. He would have been, too, if Genma had not decided to intervene. "Shuurai... um, why are you having mood swings? I'm sure Sasuke didn't mean to do that."
Shuurai blushed and ducked her head, refusing to say anything. Both guys started to join the puzzles together but Sasuke, coming to the conclusion first, promptly decided to kick Genma out of the window. He sighed as he turned back around and faced Shuurai, who was for some reason staring dreamily out of said window.
"Do... I want to ask why..?" Sasuke muttered and apparently Shuurai heard him. She gave a Luna Lovegood-like sigh and whispered, "Imagine if the window was closed when you did that. The glass would shatter into a million pieces and fall outside and the sun would catch them and there'd be pretty little rainbows everywhere..."
Sasuke smacked his head and groaned irritatedly at his sister. "I didn't know you were such a girl. Look, I'll take you out for ramen, ok? And we can go to the weapons shop as well. Both of us need new kunais and don't think I haven't noticed that you pull out all your shurikens from the log after training, just so you can sharpen them and use them again. They don't work properly like that, you know?"
Somehow this always happened. Every time Shuurai went of on her monthly mood swing, Sasuke always managed to make her more 'normal'. And it always required a great deal of talk from him. He once even had to convince Rai that shoes did not go on people's heads and that she did not, emphasise on not, have to wear shoes on her head. Sometimes Sasuke wondered what he was doing with his life and what he'd do when he was older if his wife was anything like Shuurai was.
"...and I think your wife would be very jealous of me because we're really close, you know, like this close..." Shuurai talked animatedly as they sat waiting for their ramen to be ready. Shuurai was listing all the qualities of a wife she'd want for Sasuke.
"And definitely not blonde hair, blonde wouldn't match with your hair color. (no offence to the blondes out there! Or any of the other colours I'm about to mention) Hmm, maybe brown, nah, actually yeah, well maybe, hey Chibi what do you think?" Shuurai gave Sasuke a poke on his nose. "Huh, tell me, Sasu, tell me, tell me!"
Sasuke stared at Shuurai. He silently thanked whoever was up there that she only called him Sasu when she was on her... um, yeah. He didn't think he could bear it if that was his permanent, 24-7 nickname. He'd learned to just accept these sorts of things coming from Rai's mood swing- personality. Unfortunately, he also felt obliged to pay attention to everything his sister said and respond properly as well. "Hn. Brown hair's fine. Just no pink or blonde... or green."
Shuurai beamed at him. "Yup, see I told you, I knew you'd like brown! Soo... what do you think of Tenten?" Sasuke banged his head on the table and silently congratulated himself for not running away. "No, Rai, not Tenten." Noticing Shuurai's crumpled, crestfallen look, he hurriedly added, "But I know you're friends with her so I'll be nicer to her than others, ok? Don't cry, please."
"Ok... Sasu I'm tired." Indeed she was. As Sasuke looked on, amused, she tried to fall asleep on the table. He was not so amused when she decided to use his shoulder as a pillow. "Rai... what the hell, no seriously, get up..." Too late. Shuurai had already managed to fall into a deep sleep. Or she was just good at faking it. Sasuke sighed once more as he realised what this meant for him. "We'll take the ramen to-go, please."
Tying the boxes to his side, he hoisted Shuurai up in a bridal position (LOL guys I just realised the reference of this to the rest of the chapter. It's not a pun or anything, rest easy :p) and walked down the road, all too aware of the looks he was receiving.
"Nope. That never happened." Shuurai crossed her arms.
"I'm telling you, it did." Sasuke was sitting on top of Shuurai's dining table, chugging down a bottle of tomato juice. He looked down at her. She was leaning against the wall, now shaking her head hard enough to send her hair flying everyhwere.
"Hell no, it didn't. I'll call Naruto here and prove it."
"Baka... Naruto wasn't even there."
Of course, now would be the perfect time for Naruto to walk in. The doors were pretty much flashing with neon orange lights. Instead, Sakura bounced through the door.
"Sasuke-kun, I bought some choc-" Sakura's eyes turned into a deathly glare directed at Shuurai. "What? What are you doing here with MY SASUKE-KUN?!!"
Shuurai had already had enough. "Why the hell am I on the same team as you?"
The crows flying outside crowed with laughter, "Number 976, that one."
Sakura looked at the table and stretched her fingers out towards it. "Sasuke- kun..."
"I promise, Sakura. You're never allowed in my house again. Get out. Now."
When Sakura didn't move, Shuurai decided to imagine her as a large, ugly stain in her kitchen. She pulled the tomato juice from Sasuke's grip and waved it threateningly at Sakura.
"Out, damned spot! Out I say!"
Sakura stared at her as if in dreamland.
"One, two." Shuurai ran towards her, prompting the poor girl to hightail it out of the 'madhouse,' as she would later call it.
"Yo, Sasuke. Wanna go trai- Ok never mind." Sasuke had somehow passed out on top of the table, tomato juice running off his head.
" Oh haha. Sorry," Shuurai said sheepishly as she realised that the bottle had managed to slip out of her hand during the ordeal... straight on top of Sasuke's head. She looked closer.
"Wait, oh my gosh! That's blood!" Shuurai slowly started to panic. "Oh my gosh, where's the bottle... huh?! Five litres? Can you even get 5-litre bottles of tomato juice?! I just him in the head with five litres of freaking tomato tears!"
"Ok, ok. What to do..." Shuurai walked aroud the table until an idea came to her mind. "Oh I know. I'll take him to the hospital."
And that's how Shuurai and Sasuke spent their weekend, everyone.
Sorry it's not a real chapter guys. Sorry it's so random! But I hope you will read it, because I had a lot of fun writing this chapter!

Strike of Lightning (Naruto fanfic)
FanfictionBefore you ask, no, this is not a fanfic where the main character/friends get struck by lightning and get transported to another world. It's simply called this because that's what the main character's (Shuurai) name means. Plus I've got no idea how...