The Love Roller Coaster..Hold on Tight!

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Hayden Santino Greene
Born: 12:34 p.m
Sex: Male
Hair: dark brown
Eyes: Grey, green
Skin: light brown
Weight: 5lbs 8oz

Hazel Lee Greene
Sex: Female
Born: 12:35 p.m 
Hair: medium brown
Eyes: Hazel
Skin: light brown
Weight: 5lbs 6oz
Length: "18.5"

*Hunter Lee Greene*
Sex: Female
Born: 12:41 p.m
Hair: medium brown
Eyes: Hazel
Skin: light brown
Weight: 3lbs 4oz
Length: "15.4"

As I stepped foot into the hospital room, I felt 3 little spirits awaken.

Tyra: Hi Kamiyah meet your brother. This is Hayden

me: He is soo cute!! I love his name!...Woah! Where did he get grey, greenish eyes from?

Tyra: I dont know. Go over there where the other 2 are.

I go over there and find 2 beautiful girls that look identical except for thier size and weight.

Holden: This is Hazel.

me: shes gorgeous! How did she get her name?

Holden: She has hazel eyes

me: Haha clever

Holden: And this is Hunter.

me: I love that name. Its really cute for a girl. Why is it hunter?

Holden: Becuase we didnt know she was supposed to be born and she came up on us like a hunter. 

me: I like it.

We took pictures and I sent them out and soon we had to leave because visiting hours wer over. Later that night I went into the baby's room and just imaged my little siblings sleeping peacefully in there little cribs. 

3 days later...

The triplets came home today! As soon as they came my heart filled with joy! Me, my dad, and mom took a baby and put them in there crib. It didnt take long till Hazel needed to be fed and of course I had to do it. I didnt mind at first but I knew one day im gonna hate it. 

June 8, 2012

I woke up happy as ever! TODAY WAS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!! WOOO! I ran to the shower started it and went into the baby room where Hayden and Hazel where sleep and my mom was rocking Hunter in the rocking chair.

Me: *whisper* Hi mom!

Tyra: *whisper* Hi baby

I walked to Haydens crib and kissed his cheek same with Hazel. I went back to the bathroom and got ready for school. I came out wearing white shorts, blue tank that says 'SUMMER!', and brown sandals. I went down to the lobby and met up with Carmen. 

me: Hey love

Carmen: Hey KayKay. Hows the triplets?

me: there doing really good. And the good thing is they dont cry unless they are hungry, but other than that they dont ever cry.

Carmen: Thats good. Tell yur mom I said if she needs any help with the twins, im here. 

me: k. SO today is the last day of school!

Carmen: I kno! Im so excited! And tommorrow is the Conjunction Household #1 girl tour kick off!

me: oh yeah ! I forgot about that! 

Carmen: Girl you kno I didnt..i get to see him again 

me: when was the last time yu saw him?

Carmen: Sunday

me: I dont see Ray that much and yu dont see me going goo-goo over him.

Carme: Lets not forget this is my 1st boyfriend

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