After reading that page. I put it up in a hiding area. A bunch of questions were just running through my head. I was trying to process what I just read. I put it throughout the things and started taking the stuff out the house and ms.latoya was waiting on me with her truck.
Ms.latoya: hey, I brought my truck thinking u may need some help.
Tyler: Thank you.
After everything was packed we went back and her son helped us put it up. I decorated the room the way I wanted it to be.
Then I decided to go speak to her son. We never spoke and I thought since we will be living in the same house, minus well get to know each other. I went to his room and his door was wide open. And I caught him doing magic. He was levitating and little things like books and things were floating around him. He then made it all disappear. I was shocked then he slowly went to the ground and said "yes??" I was scared, I couldn't find anything to say. "You don't have to be scared." ..."when did you get your powers?" "When I was 10. I had got scared one day and I wind up throwing things with my mind all at once. I didn't really know what was going on until I told my mom and she said that's what it was. How about you?" "I don't have powers." He turned around and looked at me like I was a ghost from hell. "No powers...huh. weird." "Yea I guess so." It was silent after that. I went to walk out the door but before I got out he asked "you wanna go to school together tomorrow?" I smiled and look back at him and replied "yes. Goodnight" "night".
We Are Perculiar
Teen FictionThis is about tyler becoming something she's not aware of and as she discover it. She meets hell before finding love