sarah was born whiled her mom was dieing

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It all take placed in the city of Mexico, where her both parents are from, but what really happened was on that very  same day when Sarah Williams was born her mom past away, it shoot up the dad so badly that he started acting insane; one nurse name Darleen Finley tried to calmed down the dad Mr Jamboree Williams but nothing what the nurse have done work he was so angry and sad at the same time he actually fainted ... Boop on the floor ,nurse Darleen rushed to help him off the floor but he was too heavy for her alone to lifted so she shout ,help,help help! Dr Palmer didn't hesitate to come and give a helping hand but unfortunately Mr Williams was admitted in the Romagna hospital for 3 weeks,so little Sarah was in her crib not knowing what was taking place and where she could end up. About a week later Dr palmer released Mr Williams and his daughter Sarah Williams but the mother is to be buried but the thing is that the hospital took all of their money,from the mother bill to the father bill including Sarah;Mr Williams head started pounding like a Heart that have the lost bet of life, he tried to think it out but it was unbearable knowing that his wife died, his daughter need breast feeding and most of all the bills to be payed. Sarah mom Sennett Williams was an front office agent at the Escapar Del Amor resort and spa and her pay check was big enough to paid the bill at home and buy food mean whiled Mr Williams was an Juta tour driver that also work at the Escapar Del Amor resort and spa , so that is how both of them meet each other and became lovers. Mr Williams feels like he was about to calapse because his head felt like a gigs spinning without stopping he wanted to answer Mr palmer but it seemed like his words were stuck in his throats: he felt like a lost man standing in the center of a cross road with many road and not sure which root to take, so the doctor see how confused he looked so he said leave your address and telephone number I will give you to  the end of this months to paid off your depth so please sign this documents to show the agreement, so Mr Williams sign the documents whiled Mr palmer apologized to him unbehalf of his last but Mr palmer see's that his mind was no where their but since he tried to leave an word of encouragement. He took his daughter Sarah and lefted the hospital not sure of the first thing to do because he feels like a man walking around in a body but know head to help him to make a good decision. Mr Williams pulled the door open and place Sarah down in her crib quietly ;while suddenly a gentle knock on the door, he rushed to see if his wish was granted that he asked for but when he open the door ho! What a disappointment the  glowing on his face just vanish because it was just his nosey neighbour just came by to find out what happened to them and why were they not home for 3 Weeks ?but he was not in the conditions to answer that question but he dough deep down and finally gave a responded saying that his wife died whiled delivering Sarah and now she is in need of breast milk;I am broke as well he replied to the neighbour Ms Jennifer Parker, Ms Parker just hold her mouth and lean forward to embraces Mr Williams ,the hug felt so good till he didn't want to let her go; then Ms Parker replied saying be strong, remember that you are a father now and you need to be strong for her ok ,Mr Williams replied saying yes I know!! Am trying but it's so hard to cope without my sweet heart, I never thought she would died this way he said to Ms Parker then said ms Parker yes no one knows when their time will come for death to take us away from this world. Mr Williams saying how on earth am I going to do this alone? I love my daughter he replied and I want to take care of her , to ensure she got  everything a parent want his or her child to have in this world but now am living in fear cause I plan this with my  wife not by my self. Well anyway the neighbour Ms Parker helped Mr Williams in bathing Sarah as well as feeding her putting her to sleep,she let Sarah stayed with her until her Dad reach home from work so you can say this is a part in Mr Williams life when he can say that things are not so bad but still he is sad. He gathered enough money to bury his wife and paid off his depths, at work the boss gave him 20,000 thousands dollars alone with his pay check he gots money from his wife boss also 35,000 thousands dollars along side 10,000 thousands dollars from Ms Jennifer Parker and family friends. Sennett Williams was layed to rest at the Scott stand cemetery upon her tomb was written ( my beloved wife Sennett Williams/ mother, gone but still remains in my heart).

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