I sat in a chair. A very un-comfortable chair I must say, but right now that was the least of my worries. Like I somehow ended up tied up in a tight rope and a mask over my eyes. Whoever the kidnappers were are very original. I could hear 4 heart beats surrounding me. Some rough movements ment they had weapons in their hands. I knew how to fight but being bling folded kinda held me down. I thiught back to who want to kidnap me. I was merely a poor beggar girl if any random stranger saw me. My parents had abandoned me at the young age of 6, they were high classed astocratics who thought only boys were a good for the family. My mother supported that idea cause I wasn't related to her giving another reason why she wanted to rid of me.The only people who cared for me were the servents, as I thought it was rude not to be kind to people who made our lives better. Anyways the place I ended up was in a poor Church were kind old lady loved. Even though I didn't get to eat much she did the best she could to raise me. I made friends with boys on the streets not even one girl would want to be my friend. They had to much dignity to fight and roll in the mud. Wearing expensive or at least trying to look expensive dresses, they turn their noses up to our behaviour. I was the only girl in the group but the boys accepted me well.
"Oi Max come over here!"yelled Jaques. I ran over wondering what was going on. "Have ya got the stuff for the prank?"Hayden asked as mischivious glint showed in his eyes. "What prank?"I asked confusion filled my face. "gah don't tell me you forgot!"Delyn exclaimed mock horror filled his face. Then I remembered "Oh I know I've got the paints right here."I replied my eyes filled with joy knowing the event we were gonna pull. What happened and Our Victim's face was all described in one word priceless. She saw her precious stuffed cat dyed a lovely shade of puke green.
and she never figure out who did it, even now. But the boys have changed and as they turn into young men they develop hormones, yes the stupid retched hormones. So that means they were busy chasing girls skirts then playing pranks on them. We didn't play pranks on girls all the time, sometimes there some what do ya say snotty little rotten spoiled boys we liked to get revenge on. By now your still probably asking "so how did you get kidnapped in the first place?" well....
I was walking down the streets grumbling curses about how stupid my friends are for ditching me. When suddenly I felt more than one prescence behind me. Oh thought it was my friends apologisng for my stupid behaving so I turned around to see a bunch of men in high classed soldiers outifts and black masks. Now you see a normal girl would've 1.pissed her pants 2. try to flirt with them or 3. both in any order.Now if you were me I would only have once option, face them head on. "What do ya want?"I asked them my body itching to fight. "Sorry Miss.."one of the men started but I interrupted "tch tch your clearly mistaken I'm not a girl but a young boy can't you see?" The men looked over me, but I did not shudder, I stood taller my air glowed with confidence. "No miss you must come with us"another dude replied"or do we have to do it the hard way?" "Ah old men I prefer to laugh at your weirdness as I run away from you" I answered stepping back. And that ladies and gentlemen was my cue to run like a chicken. The reason I ran instead of fighting is cause I remembered I didn't want to worry dear old Motherlike figure. I turned to be met with a dark alley. "great way to get caught Max just a great way to get bloody caught" I thought to myself when suddenlly a bag went over me trapping emin the process too. "and that great"I thought as I got carried off.
Now how to get out of here blindfold was taken off to reveal
I decided to stop now ladies and gents cause I have to go!
Seeya young ones-Gummy Bear peace out!!

Never Mess with Me
ActionThe names Max the Sword Wielder but ya can call me Max, and just to tell you I'm a girl. If you don't know how my name's spelt go back to school. I'm sorry if I'm blunt but that's the way I am. Sure I'm a girl but ain't like others that you see arou...