Chapter 6

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Cassandra stood in front of her door. Her hand was on the doorknob, when she suddenly let it drop. She had a feeling which was difficult to explain. "Is something wrong, Miss?" Eliza was standing beside her.

"I don't know, Eliza."

Eliza wore a kind smile. "Let's get you inside your bedroom, Miss. I'll get you all nice and settled."

"Eliza, I do feel I'd like to get a breath of fresh air."

"Don't you want to change out of that outfit?'

Cassandra dropped her eyes to her serving girl's dress. "Yes, of course. In fact, bring me my most beautiful day dress."

Eliza opened the door for her mistress and followed her into the room. Cassandra glanced at the room as she waited for Eliza to carry out her orders. The sea green walls welcomed her to her own world. She looked fondly at her canopied bed and the white drapes which adorned them. She lazed on her soft cotton bedsheet as she waited for her garment. Eliza didn't disappoint. "You are the best maid, Eliza."

Eliza curtsied. "Thank you, Miss." Before Eliza began to dress her mistress, she asked, "If I might be so bold, Miss, where did you get that outfit from? It's the outfit of a common serving girl. Not for a lady of your social standing.'"

"It's a long story, Eliza, but I somehow feel so free in it."

"Free, Miss? I feel anything but free in my uniform." Eliza's hand immediately flew to her mouth after her words were uttered.

"It's alright, Eliza. I couldn't expect you to be a maid your whole life. Perhaps you'll marry up."

"That would be difficult, Miss."

"Not at all, Eliza. Even marrying a merchant could lift you out of the serving class."

"All my suitors have served in a household.

"Maybe I can help, Eliza. You've been such a faithful servant. I'd like to reward you with something more than a sum of money at the end of your service."

"That's very kind of you, Miss. Now, let me attend to my duties." Eliza stripped her mistress of her serving garments. Cassandra felt a strange sadness as she beheld herself in front of her standing mirror. She beheld herself wearing a white frock adorned with very delicately crocheted lace. "You look lovely, Miss. Just the way you are supposed to."

Cassandra sighed. "I suppose so." Cassandra faced her maid. "Eliza, would you be so kind as to fix me something to eat? I'm just starved after the ordeal I've had."

"Of course, Miss. I'll fix you your favorite meal."

Eliza departed to attend to her duties. Cassandra waited a few moments and then slipped into the hallway. She descended the stairs and was relieved there was no one to be seen. She ran to the back of the house. She walked to the small cottage which held the servant's quarters. She found Luke's old room and knocked on the door.

Jeremy had responded to the knock on the door. "Milady, to what do I owe this honor?"

Cassandra stood in the doorway as Jeremy let his eyes rove over her. "Jeremy, I did want to tell you of your duties tomorrow night."

"Is that what the daughter of a Baron usually does?"

"Why not? I shall need your services tomorrow night."

Jeremy nodded. "Yes, you are being unleashed upon the ton, so you can capture some chap who will make a worthy husband for you. Before you become a spinster, I might add. You're 24, I believe?"

Cassandra drew a deep breath. "How impertinent of you. You really need to watch your tongue, now that you are," she paused before she delivered, "a servant."

"A servant is better than a dead man, I suppose."

Jeremy had quickly reminded Cassandra of their bond. "Of course, I shall always remember that."

"Well then, I shall be at your beck and call, Miss. "Jeremy bowed deeply. When he rose, he said, "I believe our business is over."

"I dare say you are very impertinent for a,he paused,"a servant." Cassandra stayed rooted to her spot.

"Is something wrong, Miss?"


"You haven't left my quarters."

"You do have a lot to learn about being a groom. It's the employers who tell their servants when they leave."

"This room is my world, and I will decide who I want to intrude upon it."

Cassandra emitted a slight chuckle. "Intrude? I merely came here to give you your orders."

"You have done that, Miss. Now, it is time for you to go." Jeremy cast a nonchalant gaze towards Cassandra. "Unless you don't wish to leave?"

"Of course I wish to leave. Whatever would be of any interest to me here?"

"I dare say you are different than when you were Cate, the serving girl. I think I like her much better."

"I suppose you would, but ..." she hesitated.

"But what?" Jeremy moved in closer to Cassandra .

"But I suppose you are more used to that kind of girl."

"Yes,I suppose you're right. My likes wouldn't know about your likes. You're much too high born for me."

"I don't hold that against you. I know one can't help the family they were born to."

Jeremy expelled a deep yawn. "No, I suppose they can't." He walked to his bed and settled his long body on top of it.

Cassandra stared at the muscles rippling through his shirt. "I believe we are finished, Miss?"Jeremy said, without a glance at his visitor.

"A gentlemen would never lay down in a bed in the presence of a lady.'
"In the presence of a lady, I suppose that's true."

Cassandra drew a deep breath. "What does that mean?"

"Interpret it as you wish."

"Don't forget, I know who you really are."

"Don't forget, I know that the Baron's daughter is..." Jeremy lowered his voice, "an accessory to a murder."

The words pierced through Cassandra's heart. "What are you talking about, Jeremy? I didn't murder Shaun. "

Jeremy sprung up from his bed .He clamped Cassandra's mouth with his hand. "You need to be more careful with your voice tone, less you find yourself in a prison." Cassandra bit Jeremy's palm. He chuckled as he pulled back his hand, and lowered his lips onto Cassandra's mouth. Cassandra's hands flailed about until it landed on Jeremy's broad shoulders.

She broke away from the kiss. "You had better learn your place. "

"Of course, Miss." He gave an exaggerated bow, and returned to his bed. While he sprawled out on his bed, his mouth turned up into an insolent smirk.

Cassandra could feel heat flood her cheeks. Her hand flew to her cheek, and she turned and walked out of the room. She took deep breaths as the memory of Jeremy's insolent look moved through her mind.

The footman walked by. "Are you alright, Miss?"

"Yes, thank you." Cassandra smiled weakly and started to walk back to the main quarters of the house.

As soon as she entered the sitting room, her mother was standing there. "Where did you go now, Cassandra? Never mind, we have a major decision to make."

"Which is?"

"We need to know what you will be wearing tomorrow night. You are to come with me at once to your room."

"Women have to be so silly to catch a husband."

"If that's what you have to do, then do it. You've already ruined your chances to wear an outstanding dress. Now, we'll have to make do with what we've got." The Baroness grabbed her daughter's hand, and together they ascended the stairs to her bedroom.

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