The Doll Maker

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Once upon a time there was an apprentice doll maker named Vayle.

For many years now, Vayle had been followed by a reoccurring dream of a girl who called herself Indigo.

She had lovely blue shoes and a lovely blue dress that matched her lovely blue hair and she claimed she was the Princess of The Dolls.

One day, after Vayle had been woken from his dream by his father, he decided he would bring Indigo to life.

As much as he could at least.

So he made a doll.

He worked tirelessly on her for months.

She was a beautiful creation, as charming and graceful as a ballerina.

When his father saw the doll, he wept for joy as his son's skill and declared that he was no longer an apprentice and he could take his own projects from the greatest in the land.

To honour his son's talent, his father hosted an exhibition.

The exhibit was a display of wonders, with dolls as tiny as thimbles or taller than humans. There were girls who could dance and boys that marched like soldiers. There were couples that waltzed and dazzled.

At the centre of the exhibit was the doll, Indigo, just built a foot tall and yet the star if the show.

All the lords and ladies of the land were invited to see the display and among them was one, Lord Dimenco.

Upon seeing the Indigo doll, he claimed that he must have it.

By Vayle refused.

Dimenco offered money.

Vayle refused.

Dimenco offered gold.

Vayle refused.

Dimenco offered priceless jewels.

But still, Vayle refused.

Enraged, Dimenco vowed that he would have the doll, one way or another before storming out.

That night, while everyone slept, Vayle was awoken by a sound in the workshop.

With just a candle to light his way, he carefully made his way down to the workshop and was shocked to find none other than Lord Dimenco.

He had broken into the shop and was about to steal the Indigo doll!

Quick as a flash, Vayle grabbed a sword from one of the soldier dolls and flew at Dimenco, forcing him to release the doll.

Dimenco, in turn, drew his own sword and fought back, snatching the doll away.

Back and forth they fought until Vayle's sword was knocked from his hand and Dimenco threw him to the floor, intending to kill him.

But before he could, one of the soldier dolls came to life!

It drew its sword and protected Vayle. Then another and another came to life, defending Vayle and forcing Dimenco back.

Dimenco tried to hold them off until he realised he was being backed into a corner.

Finally, with no other option, he was forced to sheath his sword.

But rather than surrender, he banged his cane to the ground and in an explosion of white, Vayle found himself transported into a land of snow.

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