{CS}Take Away the Pain [Monokuma] (AU)

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[Monokuma is going to be human in this.]

POSSIBLE TRIGGER WARNINGS: Brief mentions of rape/domestic abuse/human trafficking

--Last Christmas Special Chapter--

"It's not hard to sacrifice yourself for someone you love, but it's so hard to find someone who's worth your sacrifice."



Booze. Booze was everywhere. It was in everybody's mouths and throats, except mine, and it stank like crazy. Yes, we were all underage.

Just the scent of the alcoholic beverage made me a bit woozy. Everyone was gathered at the most popular Christmas party in the city. It was Sonia's party, and she decided to hold it in a "small" mansion her father gave her for her thirteenth birthday.

She was spoiled like a princess.

"C'mon, Y/N..." slurred Akane. "Take a sip... take a sip... take a sip..." She repeated. [If you get the reference, you are amazing]

I stared at the half-empty bottle in her hands. Her eyes were slightly glazed over, and she couldn't resist the urge to stop drinking.

"Er... No thanks..." I muttered, slightly weirded out. "I think I'll pass."

She sulked. "You're no fun... Y/N!"

I nodded, awkward and confused.

Well, I had planned to call it a night and head home until I heard the drunken host yell from the top of her lungs.


'The Christmas... Ritual?'

"Are we like, gonna summon a Christmas tree?" Leon asked, scratching the back of his neck.

"No..." Sonia smiled. "We're summoning the supposed Christmas Demon!"

"The Christmas Demon?" Ibuki asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"Does he have a dick?" Ouma asked.

Kiibo fumed at Ouma's comment for whatever reason. I did not know.

"He does!" Miu laughed. "He's like a normal human, except he hates Christmas and will kill and destroy it. Talk about hot!"

I bit my lip, cringing internally from her comment.

'You can never have Miu without her pervertedness...'

"Y/N, aren't you going to join the circle?" Hinata asked.

My eyes looked over the people sitting in the circle. Everyone but myself was present.

Hesitantly, I looked back at the door which seemed so close. "Fine..." I mumbled, walking back and sitting in the spot between Chihiro and Fuyuhiko.

"This seems like a cult activity, doesn't it?" Chihiro whispered with a small smile on his face.

"Yeah, I guess so..." I said. "You didn't drink?"

He shook his head.

Relieved, I faced back into the circle. Sayaka had placed a miniature version of a Christmas tree inside the circle and other items such as a circle of salt around it.

I was utterly confused when Sonia placed in the last item: a brown teddy bear with a pink bow around its neck.

"I don't have the exact plush..." She admitted nervously. "But this will do..."

『 Red Roses 』Danganronpa X [F] Reader [One Shots]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang