Highway to Hel

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The cold diner was like a sauna compared to outside. Snowflakes had begun to fall, and strong winds blew them across like a crystalline diaspora. The city... seemed darker somewhat. Less people walked on the streets, the skyline wasn't ablaze with city lights.

"T-to the cemetery, the d-dwarf said?" Kyoko stuttered due to the cold. Her breath formed clouds which quickly disappeared. 

"Yes," Lukas said, and he pushed himself through the scene, shrugging off the freezing air.

MK typed the location into his phone. As he walked, a little ding! told him that if someone had sent him a text. It was Sydney. He slid into his messaging app.

You know I might actually fucking kill someone rn. Also, I don't feel like having a party so when you get back we're having a feast. Of course, what I feel is what everyone feels Kk? 😑😒

MK smiled and pressed his fingers against the keyboard. 

You would even kill Ivan?

Three little dots told him she was probably going to type back a poisonous reply.

No. Not him. He also thought it would be awesome to have a feast. Oh yeah, stay safe. I don't want to hear the nine of you all died.

Yeah yeah, MK sent. He closed his phone and slid it into his pocket. Alfred rushed up to him.

"Sydney? Trying to kill everyone?" he asked.

"Yep," MK answered.

Meanwhile, Lukas and Magnus were walking side by side. The two, being used to cold weather, were starting to realize this was advanced cold weather. "My God, my nipples are about to freeze off!" Magnus declared. Lukas sighed, releasing a cloud.

"The more you complain, the colder it gets."

The more they walked... the colder and darker, more miserable it became. The graveyard was nearing up. It wasn't mundane, it was a magical. The Reaper's Yard.

MK turned to look at the side. Someone had curled up underneath a bench, wrapping themselves in a raggedy, torn blanket. They shivered violently. MK's owlish blue orbs widened and his jaw dropped. 

The person stumbled as they realized someone had passed. They revealed their face to MK.

He was a bit on the chubby side, his youthful face decorated with a stubble, and his eyes were cerulean, and shining. MK wondered why a human would be right next to a portal to the Underworld. The two exchanged glances, and the homeless man's eyes were teary.

MK refused to look any longer and turned away, and ran into Alfred's cold, snow-covered shoulder. "You... s-saw that too, right?"

"N-no, what're talking about?" MK's boyfriend replied. 



The gateway to Hel was located in the graveyard, just as the dwarf Desjaardin had promised. It emitted sapphire light and snow blew out of it like a machine almost. The portal was located in the mausoleum.

"Well, this looks legit," Sayaka said.

"I hope it's w-warmer in there," Kyoko stuttered. She was hugging herself, and her nose, ears, and fingers were all bright red.

"Your dreams are crushed, Kyoko," Ludwig said. "Hel is cold and miserable."

"Hey! That reminds me of you!" Magnus beamed, nudging Lukas. Mami's nose became runny, and she quaked intensely.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2017 ⏰

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