She watched the smoke leave her parted lips into the moonlit sky.
She didn't know how long she had been sitting there for, just that she never wanted to leave.
It was their spot.They had spent so many nights there.
Whenever one of them was angry or upset they would go there.
That's the spot where he told her he first loved her.
But now he's gone.He left her without trace.
It was almost like he was just a mere thought or memory.
He didn't even say goodbye.She remembers the night so was engraved in her mind.
He always loved danger, lived for it even.
He was different then most.His body was covered in tattoos that represented a story of its own.
His hair was a dark as an onyx gem was.
His eyes were a bright blue.He was beautiful.
At least she thought so.
A lot of people would disagree with her.
They stayed away from him because of his looks and reputation.
But she was drawn to him.She was in all senses a good girl.
Straight A's, never partied, always listened to her parents, studied.
She was as people called her an angel.
She was light.He was also drawn to her.
Her light is what caught his attention the most.
He craved the goodness in her that he did not have.
She craved the darkness and danger in him that she wished would consume her whole being.They were inseparable.
He taught her so many new things.
Exciting things that thrilled her and made her feel alive.
They would drink together and even smoke together when life was just too much to handle.She didn't know what went wrong.
It was like a light switch..first on then suddenly off.
He stopped talking to her, he stopped coming to see her, he stopped coming to their spot.
He didn't look at her anymore.Then like that he was gone.
Her heart ached at the thought of never seeing him again.
The night before he disappeared he told her to meet him at their spot.Of course she came.
He was standing there, so beautiful in the moonlight.
She couldn't help but just look at him.
He turned and saw her and he stared at her with those piercing blue eyes.His gaze softened when he saw the sadness in her eyes.
He walked to her and grabbed her and kissed her with so much passion inside of him.
It only lasted but a moment.She knew he was leaving, but he didn't know that.
She saw the pain in his eyes, the unshed tears, and even anger.
They sat there looking at the stars just talking about random nonsense, but it dragged out their time together.She fell asleep that night laying in his arms, holding onto him so tight.
He watched her with a ghost of a smile that graced his lips.
His eyes filled with tears of the thought of letting her go.He got up and gently laid her back down on the grass and covered her with his coat.
He lightly kissed her forehead and whispered in her ear that he loved her.
He looked at her one last time; he thought to himself about how beautiful she looked.Without even making a sound he turned away and started to walk away from her.
He walked away from his life.
Silent tears ran down his face with each step he took.
He was no good for her. He had to leave to keep her safe.Without looking back at her, he left.
She woke up the next morning laying on the grass.
She looked around and saw he was gone.
The only thing if his he left her with was his jacket.
She held it to her body as she cried.Her body was racked with sobs and she felt as if she couldn't breathe.
She would always remember him.
Even if he forgot her.
He was her only love and it would remain that way.She would always love him.
Her danger.She put out the cigarette she had been smoking and got up.
She still never forgot him.
But she finally said goodbye to him and their spot.With that she walked away.