land of waves

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I sat in a tree watching the leaf ninja as they walked towards the land of waves helping the bridge builder get there safely. if only they knew the trouble they were getting into. I would be using them to get into the leaf so I should take measures to assure they stay alive.

I lept from the tree away from them heading to the land off waves as fast as I could. Pain gave me information on the leafs activity so o could get in and this was one of them. So I knew Gato was involved meaning I was going to go deal with him. Let's hope I can deal with it before the leaf got killed.

I could deal with this I was after all trained by the Akatsuki and was at a jounin level at least. That didn't mean I'm the strongest not even close. Pain hasn't allowed me to become an official member and I'm guessing it's become I haven't proven myself. When I become an official member I will receive an Akatsuki cloak.

As I ran I came across a large body of water and I froze. I began to shake remembering my parent's death also my brother. I closed my eyes trying to calm myself down. I do t have to worry I was safe now. as I tried to calm myself I heard some come from the ground and I turned to see Zetsu. I looked away from him and began back on my way only to be followed by him.

"Why are you here." I asked.

"Pain asked us to watch out for you. Make sure you don't die. But we're not getting involved unless needed." Zetsu said.

"Good because I don't want you to get involved this is my first mission and I'll do it." I said firmly.

He smiled and sunk into the ground and I went back to travelling. I stood at the edge of the water and gulped. I had to go across I know o did. I focused my chakra and walked onto the water and quickly got across not wanting to be on it longer than I had to.

I lept up to the trees and ran making my way through the waves and finding myself outside of Gato's hideout. I watched as multiple mercenaries left and went towards the village. Lucky for me they had to go through a forest area first which was the perfect area for me to attack.

Nyuka slithered down my hair and to the men. He got close to one and bit him before coming back to me. Nyuka had deadly poison.

They all started freaking out about what happened. I stood up and shot multiple sebon at them killing half of them leaving 10. the one Nyuko bit soon collapsed dead so now there were  9. They all looked around scared and I just looked at them from my hiding place. I pulled out more senbon and killed the rest of them. I jumped down to the 20 corpses and looked at them with a blank face.  This should make the Leafs chance of living greater. 

I lept into the trees and made my way to where the leaf should be arriving at soon. it was next to the lake where a boat was pulling up and the leaf came onto land. the young boy with yellow hair threw kunai at random places not getting anything but then he threw it at a bush where I also sensed something. there was a bunny however it was white and it wasn't winter meaning it was bread in captivity.

a sward went at the leaf and I sat on the branch deciding to watch the show. I watched the leaf fight Zabuza, however, my attention was drawn to a tree where I sensed someone there but I wasn't getting involved. this wasn't my fight it was the leafs I just needed to use them to get into their village without looking suspicious. I gave a small smile knowing watching them do this mission would be interesting. 

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