~ Jungkook's POV ~
Walking down the hallway as I headed towards the studio, I noticed a familiar figure sitting down at the stairway that led up to the rooftop.
Realizing it was Hyerin, my face instantly lit up.
"Hyerin!" I delightedly called out as I ran towards her, causing her to look up at me with tears running down her face.
I suddenly froze in shock as my heart shattered.
"W-What happened...?" I worriedly asked as I bent down in front of her, anxiously looking at her as I waited for her to tell me.
She hurriedly wiped her tears away with her hands, forcing a smile at me as quickly shook her head.
"N-Nothing! I-I was just remembering my dog that passed away a few days ago!"
I couldn't help but let out a laugh at her adorable lie.
"Geez, even your lies are so cute." I said as I warmly grinned at her.
"Am I that bad at lying?" Hyerin sadly asked, her cheeks tinting a bit from embarrassment.
I just responded with a nod, only to receive a grouchy pout from her in return.
"Ah, I wish I was a better liar. Then I wouldn't have hurt my best friend so much." She muttered, grievously shifting her gaze onto the ground as she hung her head low.
"Jiyeon?" I confusedly asked, wondering what might've happened between them.
"I ruthlessly betrayed her, brutally hurt her, and stole the only thing that she loved and adored the most." Hyerin confessed, letting out a distressed sigh as she bit her lower lip.
From what she had said, I knew everything.
"Jimin?" I asked as I weakly smiled at her, only to cause her to look at me in utter shock.
"H-How did you know?" She confusedly asked.
I let out a small laugh at her cute reaction, warmly smiling at her as I shrugged my shoulders.
"I just do."
I'm pretty sure anyone could've easily seen right through Hyerin and Jimin.
Not only because they were both terrible liars, but also because they just couldn't hide the genuine affection and fondness they felt for each other.
The way they constantly teased each other, joking around about every stupid little thing, always displaying a delighted smile on both of their faces whenever they talked.
"Hyerin, you cant blame yourself for falling for someone. That's not your choice. It's who your heart chooses to love." I assured her, telling her it wasn't her fault for unintentionally betraying Jiyeon.
A relieved expression immediately appearing, she finally displayed a smile on her face.
"Ah, I guess Jimin beat me to it." I reluctantly muttered as I let out a defeated sigh.
"J-Jungkook..." Hyerin sorrily muttered, looking at me with an apologetic expression for not returning my feelings for her.
"Ah, don't worry about it. I'm just glad you and Jimin finally got together." I said as I assuringly smiled at her, trying not to make her worry or feel bad for me.
"Can we still be friends though?" I asked, only to receive a cute chuckle from her in return.
"Of course, Kookie." Hyerin assured, warmly smiling at me as she nodded her head.
Hearing her response, I smiled back at her, stood up, and stuffed my hands in my pockets.
"Thanks Hyerin."
And with that, I walked away from her.
Casually walking back to the studio, I began to get lost in my overflowing thoughts of Hyerin.
Yeah, I liked her. A lot.
And although she was in love with Jimin, that was alright.
I didn't regret anything.
I didn't regret falling for her, I didn't regret confessing to her, and I didn't regret losing her to my best friend, Jimin.
Because If she was happy, I was happy.
~ Jiyeon's POV ~
After my great heartbreak after being broken up by Jimin, I gloomily entered the lunch room where no one was usually at.
I slowly walked over to the table with my head hanging low, taking a seat as I let out a deep sigh.
"Why's a pretty girl like you letting out a sigh like that?"
I jerked at a sudden voice from behind me, causing me to hastily look back, only to see a familiar figure standing in front of the vending machine.
Isn't his name... Kim Taehyung?
I've seen him around always hanging around Hyerin, Jimin, and Jungkook.
Taking out two cans of banana milk, he casually walked over to the table and situated himself right in front of me.
"Hope this helps you feel a little better." He said as he handed one of the cans to me.
"T-Thank you." I shyly muttered, wondering why he was being so nice to me when he didn't even know me.
"Jiyeon, right?" Taehyung asked, causing me to look at him in surprise.
"H-How do you know my name?" I confusedly asked.
"You're Jimin's girlfriend, of course I know you." He said as he let out a chuckle.
Hearing Jimin's name, my heart stung.
"Ah, I-I'm not dating him anymore... He kind of broke up with me today..." I sadly muttered, causing Taehyung to widen his eyes in shock.
"Oh shit, I'm really sorry to hear that." He apologetically said.
"I-It's okay, I'll try to get over him." I said as I forced a smile onto my face, although I knew that was going to be extremely difficult to do.
"Jiyeon, although I don't know how it feels to be greatly heartbroken like you are now, I want to tell you this." He said as he warmly smiled at me.
"You've invested yourself so much of yourself into him, but he didn't do the same in return. But you'll be fine, you'll find someone better." Taehyung assured, his encouraging words greatly comforting me and my broken heart.
Suddenly checking his watch, he gasped in shock.
"Crap, I have to get going." He reluctantly said as he hurriedly stood up from his seat.
"Taehyung wait!" I said as I stopped him, causing him to stop and look at me.
"T-Thank you." I sheepishly muttered as I genuinely smiled at him.
He smiled back at me with his adorable smile as he gave me a thumbs up.
"Be strong, Jiyeon."
And with that, he rushed out of the lunch room.
I just speechlessly stared at the door even after he left.
My heart was greatly fluttering and I noticed my face slightly burning up.
I slowly shifted my gaze back to the banana milk he gave me, causing a sheepish smile to unintentionally appear on my face.
Kim... Taehyung, huh.
He's kind of cute.

Regret | park jimin ff
Fanfiction(completed) "I made a mistake, and now I'm living with the consequences. I regret it, I really do. And I'm sorry."