Chapter 8

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I began a bexey fanfic called Mr Swan if any of you are interested. It's not your average fanfic with average character roles. I think you'll like it.
"Clea, you're gonna get us pulled over!" We were flying down a straight back road outside of the city of London. Half of my body was out of the window. The glass was rolled down and my bottom rested there. One hand gripped the inside of the car to keep me steady and alive while the other flailed in the air. The cold wind nipped at my ears and nose and tears streamed down my face from the speed we were driving at, but I felt alive. The bass was at its top notch and I couldn't smile any wider. Bexey and I both knew how safe this stunt was and yet we continued our shenanigan.

Finally, my skin froze until there was a deep numbing sensation tingling the surface and it forced me back into the seat beside my driver. I reached over and ruffled his hair. "That felt nice, sport."

"What are you, drunk?"

"No, but I am pretty thirsty. Got any apple juice?"

"Are you high?"

"Off life? Yes, certainly." I nodded, providing a toothy smile.

"You're an oddball." He laughed at his own choice in words and sped up. The inertia threw me against my chair.

"What would happen if we hit a deer right now?"

"I'd take the fucker's leg off."

"Oh." I piped. "That's great."

"Isn't it?" He turned to look at me and for a split second I saw something unfamiliar light to life beneath his brown colored contacts.

"You're so ugly. You should be in Area 51."

"What the hell is that!?"

"Oh yea, it's an American thing."

"Sounds disturbing."

"That's why I said you belong there. It's where the world keeps their aliens. How did you escape?"

"Funny, funny." He rolled his eyes at me with sarcasm staining his phrases. 

" wanna let me in on this secret?" I began. "Where are we headed to?"

"We're pulling an all nighter; doing anything and everything."

"Oh no. I'm frightened." Bexey was humored by my unsettled feeling.

"Be very afraid. Rayn and I used to do this all the time. I'm surprised Rayn doesn't hate you, actually."

"Why would he?" I retorted, sort of offended. "We bond just like you and Wicca do."

"I know you do but Rayn has been my best friend since high school at least. He's the jealous type...just like you." The accusing tone was there but si was a grin. The gap between his two front teeth was visible and that put me oddly at ease. I feel at home with Bex, Gustav, and the guys.

"Bull." I flicked my eye lids in his direction before confessing, "I miss my girls." Our talks seem to always take an emotional turn.

"Aren't they coming in the summer?"

"I hope so. I'm having withdrawals. It all depends of money and stuff, which they have enough of at the moment."

"I'm actually looking forward to meeting them. From what I've heard, each one of them has a totally different personality."

"That is accurate."

"Rayn will have a field day."

"Like a homeless person attending an aristocratic white elephant exchange."

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