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Niall's pov

When she told us,that they were leaving i sat there emotionlessly. Because i already knew that she gonna leave me someday. I felt so numb and i cant express it too afterall we arent a thing and others arent aware of our relation.

I saw the boys reacting by holding their girls and i simply looked at them. I realised how helpless i was. My girl is here, right beside me and i cant touch her..i cant hold her. I fisted my hands and stormed off to my room.

I was just fucking her behind their back. Fucking my own bestfriend's sister! How wrong it sounded! Yeah it was wrong. I should have taken my hands away from her when she get closer. Why didnt i realise before, that she gonna leave me oneday?
I stared at the empty wall infront of me and i felt a hand on my shoulder. Without turning back,i dragged that familiar soft hands into a bear hug and poured my heart out.

"Niaalll???" She sounded feeble.

"Dont goo.. just stay here for me..for us"

"I cant.. i have classes"
I nodded and looked at her with a smile. She trailed her hands on my hair and caressed my cheeks making my eyes close. Then i felt a soft lips pressing on my forehead.

"Its not like i am leaving you forever. I am here, right here..just few miles apart.. and i promise we can see eachother. I would love to go on date with you. You can meet me in weekends. How's that??" She gave me some hope. And i flashed her a smile.

"Are you sure this gonna work??"

"We fucked behind my brother over a couple of months and we still havent caught so why should we worry?"

"Be mine! Dont dare the other pricks to touch you. You are mine" i tightened the grip on her waist and she mewled.

"Yes Mr. Niall Horan iam all yours and i wont let anybody touch me and i wont fall for anyone else. I love you" she kissed on my nose and i hugged her. Suddenly i remembered something.

"Hey Sofii?"

"Yes Niall?"

"What about finishing what we were doing in this morning?" I chuckled

"Uhmm...sounds better" she smiled and i kissed her passionately enjoying every moment with her and tasting every bit of her. She moaned under me while i played with her womanhood.

"Oh ghosh i am gonna miss them badly.." i moaned while thrusting into her and she smiled while arching her back.

Zayn's pov

When Sofia came here for the first day, i was praying that she would left from here as soon as possible. But now i heard from her that she is leaving i felt my eyes tear up. And i nudged her hands slowly and kissed her hands. Because i missed my baby sister alot and i loved her so much. And now iam going to miss her so much.

I wiped my tears and found Azra sitting there motionless. I put my arms on her shoulder and she leaned to my chest. I didnt care about anyone at that moment. Afterall they were busy with their love.

"Is everything ok Az?"

"Yeah. Class will start soon so we have to leave from here... soon!" She said it slowly.

"Hmm.. so when you are going ?" I asked at everyone.

"Today itself. Because today is friday and we have class on monday. So we need to sort our things by getting back there" Sofia mumbles and went to her room.

"Excuse me" Azra gets up and went to her room also and i followed her.

I saw her staring into her closet and picking up her outfits.

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"Azra we need to talk"

She put her clothes on suitcase and went to bathroom to get her cosmetics and all girly things. She wasnt listening to me and it made me temper.

"Azra dont dare to make me cry you!" I warned her and she looked at me and then leave. But i managed to hold her wrist tightly in my hand.

"WHAT!!" she yelled at me.

"Why are you acting so bitchy?"

"Coz iam one of them" she smirked.

"For godsake Az lets talk.."

"Talk about what Mr. Malik?? Huh??"

"About us!" I blurted out.

"Us?? When did this "us" came in?" She rolled her eyes and i pinned her on wall in a swift manner.

"Why are you acting so weird?? I know you like me.. you always love to be around me" she smirked at me.

I stared at her eyes and leaned to kiss her. Before i could kiss her, her lips were on mine! I moaned into her mouth and let our tongue dance together. I was craving for her touch but i cant. I cant fall for her. Coz i dont want to ruin her. She was a prude,fucking prude which i never want to tear apart.

We gasped for air and i caressed her hair.

"I'll miss you" she told me.

Liam's pov

"Babe its ok.. dont cry! Iam here.. "

I told her the thousand time that i wont leave her. She was a mess for crying like an hour. She ruined my shirt with her tears and smudged mascara. And i didnt complaint because i love her endlessly and she is so sensitive and nothing gonna value to me more than her.

"Doll, look at me" she looked at me and i smiled at her.

"Its your classes. Not like someone gonna take you away from me. Its about studies and you have to pay your attention on it. I will only distracts you anyway. So get back and study well. We can catch up sometime. I will be there whenever you wanna see me.. i will be there when you need to hold me like this.. i will be there when you need to kiss me like this..." i kissed her with all my affection and i felt her cold arms resting on my neck.

"Hana, i love you. You are mine!" I kissed her forehead.

"You need to facetime with me every night.. is it okay with you?" She sniffles.

"Aww my babe! come here.." i wrapped my arms around her and she smiled.

"Doll get up.. we need to pack your things. " she nodded and we started to pack her things. I was so glad to have her and i hide my tears and emotion from her all this time because if i did, she will put her studies away and will stay with me. Silly girl..

Harry's pov

I locked the door behind us and turned to her. She was looking at me calmly. I approached her and she smiled weakily. I felt the lump on my throat getting heavier. I cleared my throat and called her beautiful name.


She looked at over me. I pulled her to my chest by holding her waist. I want to tell her many things. My mind were sailing like a boat drifting in every way. I couldnt find any exact word to say and how to begin. And i found myself getting dumb. I turned away to hide my tears and ran my hands through the curls.

"Whatever will happen we will stay in touch. And promise me you will never let anyone to touch you while you are drunk or even sobber. And so do i" i gave her a beautiful smile with my dimple visible to her.

"I have already decided that i will not let anyone to touch me, since you made love to me. I love you.." she stutters at the end and i hugged her tightly.

At evening they all shown up with their suitcases and belongings. I flashed a smile to all. They were all hugging Eleanor and she was trying to hide her tears too. They were like sisters.

I saw Zayn kissing Sofia's forehead and Azra's cheeks making me chuckle. Louis kissed them all on their cheeks as they were his "own sisters" and i rolled my eyes.

"Bye Harry.." hugged Hana and i patted her back. Soon Azra and Sofia hugged me and i chuckled. Because they were hugging me for the first time coz they were afraid of me.

We went to drop them and found our mansion looking lifeless again. We sighed and went to bed. Oh god this gonna be hard..

Thankyou!! And sorry for this shitty part. I knw this is bit a boring and dont blame me..oops sorry..heyya readers so what do you think.. is it hard for them?? Will they be loyal to eachother?? Dont forget to vote and comment. your all comments are valuable and precious to me!! Anyway happy new year!! Wishing you a blessfull days.

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