Asking Opinion bout' Pinecest?

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This is my recent question by,


Wow, mostly you asked about shipping though.. Alright..

Her question is: what do you think of Pinecest? and Why?

Hmmm Pinecest? What that??

*made a few researched*

Ooooh, that was freaking weird. Incest eh?

If you don't know what is incest, just searched in google or whatever web you're using.

Hmm for my opinion, it kinda cringy but they cute together-- AS Sibling of course!
Well whatever. People had their own opinion, for me IT weird sometimes

Asked me anything! About myself not related with real life~
Asked me about shipping~ i will answer with honestly. Being hated is honored

-BTW Ask me again! Remember reality is an illusion,
Earth is a Hologram, Buy Gold! BYE!!

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