Halloween, one of the best holidays ever! And that is why you and Nightmare chose it for your wedding day. You told everyone who was invited to come dressed in costume, nothing too fancy. You were in your bedroom with underlust Mettaton(you two talked a whole bunch after your birthday)
, Toriel(She was like a mother to you, how could she not be here?), and underkeep sans (he had great taste when it came to dresses, you must admit.)
They were all helping you get dressed, you had on a gown that was purple at the very top and fade to black on the way down, with a silver sash across your waist. Your vail was black and came off a little top hat with a purple ribbon and silver flowers.
You had on black flats,( you couldn't walk in high heels to save your life.) and they had little silver swirls at the toes.
"Oh, my child! You look so good!" Toriel had tears in her eyes, "I'm so proud!"
Mettaton walked over, "Hang on darling," then he took the clip on hat off and messed with yoir hair for a second, then clipped it back on, "Perfect!" He squealed in delight. Sans stood there for a moment before walking over, fluffing the dress, then taking a needle and thread and hiking it up on one side, reveling black leggings.
He nodded and walked back then gave an approving smile,exclaiming, "You look smashing, Madame!" Then he bowed.
They left after throwing more love and compliments at you and you sat on the bed. Looking down you notice a glint under the bedside table. You never noticed this before, the only times you were in here was for snuggles and other things....
The others are jerks and wont let you and Nightmare watch your disney and pixar movies in peace! So what if you want to sing let it go with Elsa! And eat popcorn and candies without them knowing! You pick it up, a journal, with a black spine and purple cover. It read 'Nightmare' in silver letters. You opened it and started reading the first page read:Dream thinks I need to keep a journal, he said it might help me think. I guess I'll give it a try. I mean he did go through the effort of getting me one I would like, and personalized it. I love him, so very dearly. So...
It trailed off, you went to the next page.
So many people went to see dream for one of his apples, I don't blame them though. And I'm happier being able to be stuck in a book, not talking to anyone. But I fo wish more people would come to me, I would like friends.
You kept reading.
I'm not usually the jealous type. Especially of dream, but, he gets so many visitors! And how many do I get? NONE! Gah! I hate this! Being left out and shunned... But someone came by, they asked for an apple. And we talked about the book I had. She was really cute. I think I love her.
You felt a tear run down your face. He was hurt. And he had loved another.
I feel the apples calling me... One bite wouldn't hurt... Right?
Your eyes widened, that was the last page that was properly written on. You couldn't make out the stuff on the rest of the pages. Then the door opened. And a white skele Nightmare walked in.
"Hey, Moonbeam, you are late for your own-" He saw what you had in your hands, rushed over, and ripped it out of your hands. " YOU! YOu! You... Weren't supposed to see that..." He trailed off, and looked away, refusing to make eye contanct.
You stood up walked over, throwing your arms around him, hugging and holding him tightly. You two sat on the bed, Nightmare sniffed.
You pushed him away, to see him crying.(Tem skip because he is just crying like a baby in your arms here.)
Nightmare finally stopped crying you looked him in the eyes, "Well, I think it's time to get married." He nodded and composed himself. You walked down to the throne room together.
(Smol tem skip)
"Do you, Nightmare, take (Y/n) as your lawfully wedded wife?" Asgore questioned.
"I do."
"And do you, (Y/n), take Nightmare to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do"
"Then you may kiss the bride."
Nightmare put one hand on your waist and the other on your cheek and kissed you. Everyone started cheering.(Tem skip)
After all the dancing and cake you and Nightmare headed to your room. "So... That journal mentioned a girl."
"Ah, yes. I was wondering when you would ask." He sighed. "It was you! Well technically. See you kept being reborn and somehow always find me. And it, uh..."
You were confused, you vould sense he was telling the truth. It was just shocking. He cleared his throat aandchanged his mood.
"Well I say we have some fun~"(Tem skip to Dust's Pov)
I was walking past the newlyweds room, and noises were coming from within, like a bed moving...
Then there was a thud, "AHhh!" I could tell that was (Y/n), I chuckled to myself and kept walking.(Your Pov)
You were laughing, you and Nightmare were jumping on the bed. He was right! This was so much fun! Until he lost his balance and face planted into the wall. You let out a cry of concern and surprise, "AHhh!"

(Finished)The good Nightmare (Nightmare sans x reader)
FanficYou are an emotopath meaning you can feel emotions and a very strong one at that so felt more than emotions. Your parents were horrible to you and the students at school were no better. At the beginning and end of every day you would go to the tree...