I woke up in the infirmary as I felt something on my stomach. I inhaled deeply shifting a bit as I looked around the infirmary. Looking down on my stomach, I saw brown hair that looked as fluffy as a cat. I reached my hand out to stroke it causing me to inhale sharply and screech in pain.
Looking down at my hand I saw the bandages and blood. I saw the life I saved and the murder of Abraham. I saw my mother and my lost father and a bat.All in one bandaged hand.
Carl's head shot up from my stomach as he heard my screech. "What's wrong?" He asked frantically as I pulled my hand to my chest hiding it. "It burns.." I said softly as last nights incident played in my head. I don't know who was holding that bat but it was not my father. Then again, I wouldn't know. He was never around anyway.
Carl stood up and rushed out the room before returning with Denise. She gave me pain meds and ointment and instructed me to not use the hand for a week in fear that I may slow down the healing process or bust the stitches.
I was walking down the street with Carl in a comfortable silence. We didn't want to discuss the events of last night. We lost Abraham and we almost lost Glenn. Glenn was the better father for me. He cared and he loved. He proved he was human with real emotions. He wasn't like my father: controlling and psychotic. Glenn was better than that.
"Were you sleeping on me the whole time?" I asked the blue eyed male as he walked beside me. He kept quiet and put his head down blocking out any outside distractions. "Carl." I snapped in his face.
He looked up at me before looking back down. "What." I was taken aback by his rude tone but quickly pushed it away. "Never mind. You weren't even listen-" "Why didn't you tell us he was your father?" He asked interrupting me and keeping his eyes on the ground.That was a good question.
"I didn't think it was important..." I said hesitantly as I thought about my answer towards the mini Grimes. "I felt like it would take these people twice as long to trust me then. I felt like it would've stirred up more problems than necessary. I don't want anything to do with him. Glenn is my father now and Maggie is my mother. It's as simple as that." I said softly remembering their protectiveness over me.
Carl stayed silent for a while as he but his lip deep in thought. He nodded and inhaled deeply before speaking.
"When you jumped in front of that bat," he began softly anger and slight pain and fear in his voice, "i didn't know what to do- what to think. I felt like I was about to lose my best friend. I felt like I would lost the hope that I got. You are my hope. When you came back alive it showed me people still love and fight and survive. You, Rick, Michonne, Judith. You guys give me purpose. From this moment forward, (Y/N), I promise to protect you because I can't lose you. Not again..."
I processed his words as we neared the doors to the house I lived in- with Glenn and Maggie. He cared about me. Someone cared about me. We have been close ever since he found me again; here I was wanted and they were open and honest with me unlike at home. Here I actually had a friend that I reunited with. I did miss him but I thought I'd die before I saw him again.
"You won't." I said softly as I gave him a hug. We stood on my porch hugging until we heard the door open. "Hey guy- oh... am I interrupting something?" Maggie asked nervously. I chuckled softly and shook my head no.
"See ya', Grimes." I said grinning at the boy as he began to walk away.
He waved a goodbye as I turned to Maggie. I hugged her also then she led me into the house as we sat at her table.
"What you did..." she began softly as her gaze rested on my bandaged and tinted red hand. She looked so weak and exhausted. Petrified and vulnerable.. I felt bad and guilty thinking about what would've happened if I wouldn't have moved. I put my clean hand up stopping her.
"You don't have to thank me. You guys are my parents now. Nothing will change that." I said softly. "Negans a monster. I hardly knew him anyway," I said softly. "Go lay down. I'll go talk to Glenn." I stated. She offered me a weak smile as I began helping her up the stairs.
I will be mainly focusing on this book since the other is GARBAAAAGE

Fanfictionbe·tray·al bəˈtrāəl,bēˈtrāəl/ noun the action of betraying one's country, a group, or a person; treachery.