*Elanor's POV*
Today was the day we were heading to do our Belfast show.
When we were on the plane to Ireland, we face-timed my old school, and I promised to visit.
"Bart, my old school is en route to Belfast, and since we don't have to be there until tomorow, I was wondering if we could stop for me to visit?", I asked Bart as he walked into the hotel lobby, about to leave.
"Yeah! That sounds cool! No problem!", he smiled. He's the best! "Thanks Barty!".
"Okay, Roll call! Nash, Cam, Matt, Carter?", he continued, "Here!", the boys said. "Jack, Jack, Jacob, Mahogany?", "Yasss!", "Taylor, Aaron, Shawn, Brent?", "Hey!", "and Hayes and Elanor?", "We're here!", Hayes smiled.
"The school is just down here! There, look.", I pointed.
For the past two hours we had been stuck in this taxi (there were 3 taxis in total) on our phones, messin' around, having fun.
As we pulled into the my old school gates, memories came flooding back.
Good, bad, funny, awkward.
I smiled like a complet derp from stepping out of the car to walking into the building, turning left and arriving to the reception desk.
"Hello?", the receptionist, Mrs. Morgan, smiled. "You're a pupil here?", "Uh, yes, check the system, Elanor McGuire, class 9G.".
She tapped for a minute and says, "Yes, um, attendance has been 0% for the past 5 months?". "I've been in America, I've moved there after getting discovered on youtube. I then got into Magcon and now travel the States doing shows with the guys.", I explained, pointing to the boys.
"Ah, yes, I hear pupils going on about 'Magcon' around school. Well, would you like me to sign you out of school, on a permanent basis, then?", I nodded.
The boys and Mahogany sat in the schools reception area until the papers were signed saying that this school was no longer responsible for my education.
"Also, we need 15 visitor passes, please, and can you inform Mrs. McBride, that Elanor McGuire is here with some guests, she'll know what you're talking about. Thank-you!", I said. "She's teaching a class at the minute, but if you're all quiet, you can show you're friends around the building?". And with that, we set off around the school.
Mrs. Morgan was always nice.
*Hayes' POV*
Wow. This school is huge!
At the minute we were walking around the school on a guided tour, by Elanor.
Every corner we turned, there seemed to be a teacher, who stopped and said hello to Elanor. She was popular with teachers anyway.
"This was my Drama and Music room.", she stopped and walked inside. It was empty apart from a few school bags and pencil cases. "The class in here must be in the lecture theatre", she continued.
I can tell she had some good memories of this room.
A bell soon rang, which I guess meant 'Class dismissed'. Kids ran through the halls, into pitches, school yards and various rooms.
"In here!", Elanor whispered. "I don't want any of my friends to see us! It's a suprise!", she continued, rushing us into what I think was a music store room.
*Elanor's POV*
Once the coast was clear, I headed to Mrs. McBride's room (Mrs. McBride is my head of year), knocked the door, walked in and smiled.
"Elanor! So nice to see you again!", she greeted me, "And you too! Here, I have some friends I want you to meet. Mahogany, boys, in here!", I waved at them to come in.
Hayes walked up to me and put his arm around me. This made me smile again.
"Very nice to meet you all!", and the guys said hello and introduces themselves.
"Well, since break is almost over, we will call a lunch-time assembly, if that's okay?", Mrs. McBride turned back to me. "Yeah, sounds cool.".
"You know what, you shouldn't have to sit around school, bored. Your class are about to go into History with Mr. Taylor, go before the bell and suprise them!", she then suggested.
We set off for History. Normaly, I'd be all annoyed about school in general, but I'm glad I'm back, even if it is only for a day.

Yeah, I'm with them... - A Magcon and O2l fanfic
FanfictionMy name's Elanor McGuire, I'm 13 and I like to sing. A while ago I posted a video of myself singing on Youtube and got discoverd by a Talent Scout. Now I'm on my way to stardom, meeting people, traveling the world and making new friends...