Gaara- Once I Get to Know You

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DEDECATION TO: pearl16 who told me i should try a gaara one shot

Name: Hitomi (beautiful eye) Nakashima (center island)


Looks:black hair to her waist, red eyes (no it’s not the sharigan), red tank top, black skirt at her mid-thigh and black ninja shoes. She wears her headband of the Hidden Sand on her upper left arm.

BTW (by the way) this may not be the best so read it if you want to……….


*~Story Start~*

                I was walking around the village like always when I spotted that kid Gaara and his siblings Temari and Kankuro. People are scared of Gaara, but I don’t know why I mean sure he has a demon inside him but I bet if you got to know and understand his feelings maybe he would be a nice friend. I told myself today would be the day I would actually talk to him.

                So following what I told myself I walked up to him. He stared at me and so did Temari and Kankuro. “Uhhh Hi…..I’m Nakashima Hitomi.” I said smiling. Gaara just stood there silent like I didn’t say anything to him. “Your in my way.” He says and he uses his sand to throw me aside. I stand up, brush the dirt away and walked back to him. “Wait, sorry if I was in your way I just wanted to know if you would want to hang with me at the park in an hour.” I told him. He stopped and turned towards me.

                “Are you trying to mess with my mind?” he asked and I looked at him with a confused face. “Why would I do that?” I asked. “No one wants to hang out with me, and besides aren’t you afraid of me?” “No I think that if I get to know you and understand you that you would be a nice friend.” I told him smiling again. “Don’t you have your own friends?” he asked. “Yea but they’re a bunch of scardey cats and dummies.” “Fine I will go.” He said and his siblings gasped. “Gaara are you sure you want to go?” Temari question. “Leave me be.” He told them and we both walked off in different directions.

******STARS (so bright and shiny! :P)******

~1 hour later~

                I walked to the park and sat at the top of the slide. I closed my eyes as I waited for Gaara to come. After a while I began to feel something crawl up my leg. I opened my eyes and saw sand, Gaara was standing at the bottom of the slide. He looked at me and let the sand down as I slid down the slide. “Hey!” I said with a smile and he waved. “Can I call you Gaara-kun?” I asked him and he just stared at me and then nodded. “Cool so come play with me on the swings.” “You are very playfull like a little kid.” He told me. “Is that a bad thing?” “No, I’m just not used to people being so energetic.”

“O ok, if you push me on the swing I’ll push you.” I said. “I don’t like swings that much but I’ll push you.” I ran to the swings and sat on one. He took his time and waled over to it. As he pushed me I was getting higher and higher. “Hahahaha, this is fun.” I yelled. “Gaara-kun I want to get down.” I told him and he used his sand to stop the swing. “Can we go on the slide together?” I asked and he looked at me confused. “I’ll show you just take off your gourd.” “No.” he said simply. “Please.” “No.” “Pretty please for Hitomi-chan.” I begged. “Fine.” He said putting it next to him. I ran up to the slide and sat down at the top. “C’mon Gaara-kun!” He walked up to the top and stood there. “Sit down already.” I said and he sat down. I pulled his legs up and put his arms around my waist. “You ready?” “Sure.” He said and I pushed us down. When I looked back at him he was smiling a little.

We both got up and sat on the grass. “Hey Gaara-kun?” “What?” “I think you make a nice friend and I know this may not be right but I want to try something before I have to go home.” I told him and he looked at me funny. I pulled him closer to me and kissed him. “Uhhh I got to go.” I said and he looked frozen. After looking at him I ran home. “Hello Honey.” My mom said as I ran into the house. ‘Knock, knock.’ I ran down the stairs to see my mom standing there with a scared look on her face. When I looked to the door Gaara-kun was standing there. “Uhh excuse me mother.” I told her and went outside closing the door behind me.

“Why did you kiss me?” he asked. “I like you, but there is something I have to tell you.” “I am not use to showing love or anything like that to people but….” “I’m moving tomorrow!!” I blurted out and Gaara-kun looked sad. “Then why did you become my only friend, were you doing that to just hurt my feelings that I had left.” He said walking away. “Wait!!! Gaara-kun I promise you I will come back so don’t hate me!” I yelled to him and he looked back. “Ok it’s a promise.” He said walking away. “I like you a lot though!” I yelled running into the house.

~You thought it was over didn’t you well it’s not!!! XD~

So read on



*****************STARS  ~4 years later~ *******************

                “Bye Mom I will be back in about 2 weeks.” I told her exiting our house in Konoha. I began to walk towards Suna.


                “You may enter.” The guards said as I entered my home village. I walked around looking for Gaara-kun, but he was nowhere to be found. “Excuse me do you know where Gaara of the Sand is?” I asked a woman. “O you mean the Kazekage.” She told me and I began walking towards the Kazekage’s office. To tell the truth I was so surprised, of all people to obtain the title of the Kazekage I would never think that Gaara-kun would get it. As I entered the Kazekage building I saw Temari. “Uhhh hey Temari.” I said and she turned around to look at me.

                “Who are you?” “Oh I am so sorry, you probably don’t remember but I am Nakashima Hitomi the girl who invited Gaara-kun to the park about 4 years ago.” I explained and she nodded. “So what brings you back to Suna?” she asked me. “O well I actually came to see Gaara-kun.” “O ok follow me.” I followed her to a door. She knocked and Gaara-kun answred. “Gaara-kun!!!!” I yelled hugging him. When I let go he looked at me strangely. “Who are you?” he asked. He probably didn’t recognize me because I now have red highlights and green contacts in.

                “Gaara-kun!! It’s me your one and only Nakashima Hitomi.” I told him. “How, Hitomi didn’t have green eyes.” I took ot my contacts and his eyes got wide. “Temari –chan may you please give us some privacy.” He asked and she exited the room after nodding. “I missed you.” I told him pulling him closer to me. “I missed you too and there is something I was probably going to ask you after a while if you hadn’t moved away.” He told me and I looked at him confused. We both sat in the middle of his couch. “I was in love with you and I still am.” He said and he kissed me. The kiss was gentle. “I love you too.” “Will you go out with me?” he asked. “Of course!!!” I screamed. “I have to get back to my work so just chill here.” He told me and he went to his desk.





                                ~Erin/Mya <3

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