Chapter 18
Where could she be? Bracken thought to himself as he ran through the forest.
Just when he was about to lose hope, ha caught a glimpse of a patch of ginger fur moving through the weeds.
"Hello?" a toms voice yelled. "Who's there!"
The tom stalked out of the bush and stared at Raven.
"Blaze!" Bracken called out.
"Shh!" Blaze whispered.
Bracken sniffed the air, finding only the stale scent of Raven. "Where is she?"
Blaze shook his head. "The forest cats have her. Don't know where they're taking her though.
Brackens eyes widened and he darted past Blaze on the direction where Raven got taken.
"Be careful!" Blaze yowled after him.
Desperate to find Raven, Bracken stepped on thorns and ran through brambles just to follow her scent trail.
Finally, he heard voices. Cats voices, talking to...Raven!
Bracken perked his ears to hear what thy were saying.
"...Trespassing on our territory!" Some tom hisses.
Bracken peered out over the rocks side to get a better look. two toms were standing, claws sheathed, in front of Raven.
"Your territory?" Raven snorted."Why didn't I smell any territory markers!"
The toms exchanged nervous glances. "Well, I guess we haven't marked them yet today." The bigger tom out of the two muttered.
Raven kicked up dust. "Maybe you should, and you wouldn't have any more intruders."
The two toms gazed at each other and,surprisingly, nodded.
"Oakleaf, go send a patrol to set new boundary marks. I'll tell Ravenstar about her." he pointed at Raven with his long stripped tail.
"Yes Tigertail." the light brown tom, Birchpelt,meowed as he padded into a a clearing.
"Snowbird, Speckledfur, and Oakleaf, you're going on a border patrol. we need to mark the borders because our trespasser said she couldn't smell anything. Plus, it's-"
A white she, probably Snowbird, interrupted him. "So you're just going to listen to some mange rouge!"
Birchpelt lifted his tail for silence and flashed a warning glare at her. "I wasn't quite finished." he growled, "we haven't set markers in a few days so now would be the best time."
A black tortoiseshell she with brown paws padded up next to Snowbird. "why are you sending patrols? Isn't that the deputy's job?"
"Oakleaf, Tigertail told me to organize one and send them on their way. So go. No more delays."
No more delays? Bracken whispered in his head. What does he mean by 'delays'?
The tree cats nodded and padded out if the ferns and away from their camp.
Bracken narrowed his eyes. I just need to get Raven. That's why I'm here.
Warriors: Raven's Prophecy
FanfictionA loner she-cat named Falcon had her kits In the most unexpected place ever. Near an 'abandoned' fox den,and has lost her mate.Her kits quickly grow strong and want to leave their den. Little do they know, there are many dangerous things outside of...