You can't lie to me.(Henry🔥)

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Requested by: @jmz1014

Y/n was someone who you couldn't hurt without feeling guilty, if you hurt her, her eyes would look up with pain and sorrow, as if she knew that she did something to make you hate her. She was always bullied by one person though. One person however never felt a certain feeling, that person was named Henry Bowers.

In secret, this boy had developed feelings for the girl and bullied her as if hoping that these feelings would leave, but every time he hurt her, his feelings grew stronger. Y/n didn't know this of course and in a way didn't care what Henry did to her because she felt like it was just something he needed to do.

This morning however, was different than any other, a new kid had apparently transferred to her school, rumours had said that he only moved because of a big fight that had involved him, but since she didn't care, she didn't even know his name and almost purposely ignored him in the hallways. The thing as, this boy had took a liking to her, not in a way that involves hugs and kisses, but anted her to be scared of him, since she acted like he wasn't even a person to her.

Y/n sighed and pulled her hair back before letting it fall down her back. She frowned when she felt the small tug of her hair, she turned around to see Henry, a usual and attractive glare was set on his face as he watched the new kid. Y/n rolled her eyes and tried to finish the math paper that was due for the end of the day. She tapped her pencil against her head before a small piece of paper landed on her desk, thinking it was Henry she opened it slowly, hoping it would be as bad as the others he would giver her.

No wonder he doesn't like you, and your someone he chooses to bother when there's a whole other class, your ugly and worse than half the kids here.

Y/n looked around and frowned to herself, it wasn't and couldn't of been Henry. She hesitated but crumpled the paper and sadness overwhelmed her.

When school finally ended it was pouring and Y/n had to of course pick that day to wear a tank top and shorts, so after school she waited for everyone to leave before finally starting to walk home. The rain had pounded against her bare skin, she felt her body tense every time a shock of lightning and thunder would run and roar through the air, well that is until a jacket plopped on top of her head.

"You shouldn't be an idiot." She turned around quickly and smiled slightly when she saw Henry. She shrugged.

"Aren't you gonna get cold? I can't have you getting sick because of my dumb decisions." Y/n sighed and tried to give his jacket back, trying to ignore the fact that her heart was beating to hard and way faster than usual. He rolled his eyes, and she noticed at how long his hair was when it was wet.

"Just take the damn jacket before I glue on you." He snapped and pulled the jacket around her, his body was close to hers and she could feel his hot breath on her face, she looked up slightly to see the tip of his tongue poking out of his mouth as he tried to zip it up. She looked down quickly when he noticed her gaze. Even without looking she knew that a smirk had moved its way across his lips.

"Let's get you home..." He whispered even though he didn't move, but she didn't either. His hands made their way to her cheeks, and he moved in slowly. Just as his lips grazed hers a cough broke them apart, Henry's hand fell to her arm and pulled her close as they looked towards the noise.

The new kid. At this moment she realized she should've listened to some of the rumours to find out his name.

"Cameron Tories, as in myself, is very surprised to see this. Ugly and the beast." He laughed, y/n looked down and bit at her lip, C.T...she should've known.


The next couple of days had been bad and somewhat torturous, Henry hadn't been at school, and in this time, Cameron had found the time to pick at y/n, she had bruises and cuts, sometimes Cameron would go as far as trying to feel her up. Like today, he tried and when she rejected she had to hide. So here she was, stuck in the bathroom. Hiding. She pulled up her sweater sleeve and poked at her bruises, and rubbed her fingers over the cut from being pushed off the kissing bridge. Y/n never thought that bullying would be that bad, she pushed herself up and walked out of the stall, and went to the sinks to wash her hands, noticing they were covered in dirt, she looked up and saw her reflection, her  eyes looked tired, scared, and sad. She had major bags and her hair was clean but looked messy. She cupped her hands and let water flow into them before quickly splashing it on her face.

After that she quickly walked out of the bathroom and walked out of the school, she looked around and started to walk home, in fear that someone was following her. After a while she took a deep breath, noticing now that it hurt her ribs. She pulled her sleeves on her sweater down and felt small but hot tears fall down her face. She kept walking, smiling behind her tears when she saw her house. As if still not feeling h safe Y/n ran. Faster than ever. She let out a loud cry as she opened the door to her house, knowing no one would hear since no one was ever really home anymore.

"Well, hey mom, hey Dad. Today was shit just like it had been for the last four days. I guess he went easy though today by pushing me into my locker, than spilling my food on the ground which the cafeteria told me as my fault, oh and my arms are covered in cuts from when he pushed me over that bridge that all the whores call the kissing bridge. Yep nice talk to you too mom and dad." Y/n sighed as she plopped her backpack down. She walked to her room and stripped, walking in front of her mirror. Her body wasn't as bad as she thought but still looked liked it was dead. She shook her head and grabbed a towel from the hallways closet and moved back to her room, locking the bathroom door behind her. As soon as she was in the shower, she watched some dirt and blood fall onto the bottom on the tub, she washed her hair and body, and she felt better by the littlest bit because of the hot water. Instant regret flooded her as she got out and wrapped the towel around her chest.

She sighed when she saw that the window was open and shook her head? "Henry, you can come out from wherever your hiding." She sighed, she held in a laugh when Henry crawled from under her bed.

"Oh wow, nice makeup." He said sarcastically and rolled his eyes as he laid down on the bed. It wasn't planned but y/n broke. Tears fell and more came, her heart was shattered and her body looked broken, Henry on the other had started to get mad, it wasn't makeup.

"Who the fuck did this Y/n?!" He yelled as he pulled her onto his lap, not really caring about the fact she was still wrapped in a towel even though he usually did. She shook her head.

"N-no one.." She lied and looked away. He cupped her chin and forced her to look at him.

"You can't lie to me. Please tell me." He whispered, she sighed and looked at him straight in the eye.

"Cameron did this to me. I'm s-sorry, I just don't want to be hurt even worse." Y/n choked out, trying not to cry again even though she knew it was gonna happen again. Henry's eye twitched and instant fear scolded her.

"Why? Have you forgotten who I am, I will protect you with my life. Y/n....I can't let you get hurt." He sighed and ,eyes his eyes move from her waist to her shoulders, they moved slowly up her neck, and finally met her cheeks. She held in her cry, as he slowly leaned in, his eyes on her lips. She leaned in too. And he was happy,as his lips met hers, he finally realized that all she was in was a towel. And let's save that story for another time.

We won't know what happened to Cameron, or where Y/n and Henry's relationship went but I'll tell you he never bothered them, and Henry's married someone he loved.

But Cameron floats down here.

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