Chapter 26 - The Date, part 2

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Chapter 26 – The Date, part 2


Once we got out of Starbucks, we strolled around the town for a bit. Discovering new shops and observing how the humans interact with the vampires. My hand still entwined with Calum's, feeling the cold ring against my fingers. Oh, speaking of the ring, I smiled as I remembered the day when we both chose and bought these rings for each other. Oh, believe me when I say that I insisted to pay for everything but Calum said that I pay for his ring and he pays for mine or else we won't buy the rings at all. I lightly chuckled as the memory hit me again.


"How about this one, Cal?" I said, pointing to one of the rings that caught my eye. Calum walked closer to me and squinted his eyes at the ring, taking a closer look.

"Luke..." He said, not taking his eyes away from the ring.

"Uhm, Cal, if you don't like it, we can just look for another one, okay? Don't sweat it." I brushed it off and scratched my nape.

"Luke, this is perfect!" he exclaimed and wrapped his arms around my neck.

I laughed.

"Okay, okay, I'm gonna get it for us, okay?" I said and tried to look for the clerk.

"What? You're gonna get it for us?" He asked, raising his eyebrows at me.

"Of course, Calum."

"No! I'm not letting you!"

"Cal, I'm paying. It's okay."

"No! I'll pay for your ring and you pay for mine, that's how this is going to be!" He argued back.

"I'm paying, Calum. That's final." I sighed.

"Fine. Then, I'm not taking it!" He pouted, crossed his arms over his chest and started to walk away from me.

"W-Wait! Calum!"

He ignored me. I groaned.

"Cal, come back here."

"No. I'm not going back there until you let me pay for your ring!"

I sighed in defeat.

"Okay, fine. Just come back here, will ya?" I said, and spread out my arms.

He stopped walking and turned his head to me.

"Promise?" He asked.

I smiled. "I promise."

He smiled so wide and ran back into my arms, hugging me so tight.

And once we brought the promise rings, he asked me,

"Do you know why I wanted to pay for your ring?"

"I don't get it Calum, please enlighten me." I rolled my eyes, but I was smiling.

"Because I'm making a promise to you. It's only natural that I buy you the ring. A symbol of my promise to you."

End of Flashback

"Hey, Luke, are you listening to me?" I snapped out of my thoughts.


"Geez. You've been spacing out!"

"I'm sorry, I was just thinking." I smiled and he looked at me suspiciously.

"Uhh, so, where do we go next?"

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