I'm walking to Mason's truck to go home when Rose intercepts me. She looks like she's been crying so I ask her what's wrong. "Me and Justin... just broke up." Rose says shakily. "Oh Rose..." I say softly and open my arms for her. She hugs me tight and I rub her back softly and soothingly. "Where have you been?" She says softly into my hair. "I'm so sorry, so much has been happening lately." I apologize. She backs up so she can look me in the eye. She's crying. "I miss you." She chokes out. At this point I'm crying now too. "I miss you too." I say reaching out for her again. We embrace once more.
After we get our crying session over, I tell Rose everything that has happened. "Wait, so Mason kissed you after you made out with Noah?" She asks bewildered. "Yup." I reply shrugging my shoulders. She smiles at this and I can't help but smile as well. "What happened with you and Justin though?" I ask. Her smile turns to a frown when she answers. "He told me he wants to save me from himself, so he broke up with me." Rose says sadly. "What the fuck? That's such a dick move!" I say. "Guys are honestly so fucking dumb." I add in throwing my hands in the air. She giggles and I smile. "I'm sure he'll come crawling back though, I mean look at you!" I look her up and down. "You're beautiful." I say sincerely. She blushes and smiles. "I love you Brittney Johnson." She says throwing her arm around my shoulders. "I love you too Rose Whitney." I reply hugging around her waist.
After Rose and I had our talk, I went home and got ready to go out with Noah. I told my mom that I'm going on a date. She can't know what we're really doing. I put on a simple black and white striped dress. It came just a little above my knee, so my mom will approve of me going out in it. I'm taking my backpack with me because it has my change of clothes in it. My mom won't suspect a thing.
After a couple hours, Noah's truck pulls into my driveway and he gets out and walks to the door. I open it when he knocks and I look him up and down. Looks like he had the same idea I had. He had on a plaid button down shirt on and jeans that look like they've never been worn before. I invite him in to meet my mom before we go. They made some small talk for what seemed like forever. I was anxious to just go already. My mom must have noticed because she said, "Ok, you kids have fun tonight, bring her back at a decent hour." "Yes ma'am." Noah says back politely and we leave.
Once we're in the truck Noah turns to me and looks at my exposed legs. "So that's what your legs look like." He teases with a grin. I roll my eyes. "You know we're gonna have to change right?" He asks. "Yes, I'm aware." I say dryly. "In front of each other." He says wiggling his eyebrows. I hit his arm and tell him to just drive already. So he does.
We get to the local forest and get out. The sun is still up, so it's not too dark yet, which makes me feel better. Noah leads me in so no one will see us changing. "Turn around." I tell him strictly. "What? It's nothing I haven't seen before." He retorts. I glare at him and that gets him to turn around. Before I can do the same he takes off his shirt. His back muscles are as defined as the front of him. I can't stop staring. Of course he chooses that moment to look over his shoulder. "Liking the show Sugar?" He asks with a chuckle. My face turns bright red and I turn around. I start to undress just to get it over with. I slip my jeans on before taking my dress off so less of my body will be showing at once. When I have the dress lifted off, I bend down to pick up my shirt. When I straighten I feel hands on my waist. I jump from surprise and I can hear Noah start laughing. I turn around and shoot him a death glare. His eyes move down from my eyes to my chest and I hurry and cover it with my shirt. "I told you to turn around!" I say angrily. His eyes move back up to mine. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself." He says with a half smile. His hands snake back onto my waist and he moves closer. My initial instinct is to push him away like I always do, but I'm gonna let this one play out.
He tilts down and his warm breath fans my neck. I tilt my head slightly, inviting him to kiss my neck. He gently presses his lips to the soft skin under my chin. My eyes flutter shut. He starts trailing kisses down my neck and stops at my collar bone. I can't stand it anymore, I need his lips on mine. I take action and lead his head up back to mine, dropping the shirt I was holding. I immediately start kissing him. Almost hungrily. He backs me up into a tree and presses his body against mine. My hands are feeling all over his back I was admiring earlier.
I'm so consumed in the moment that I almost don't hear a cough in the background. I pull away from Noah and look around him. There's a boy, that looks around our age, leaning against a tree. I notice his eyes first. They are bright green. His dark hair has fallen over his face, making him look almost menacing.
I scramble to put my shirt on and Noah finally notices the guy watching us. "Who the fuck are you?" Noah asks harshly. "Zac." The boy says. "I'm here to take you to the man."

Always And Forever
RomanceWhen Brittney Johnson moves from the big city of Seattle to a small town in Maine her life takes an unexpected turn. Leaving her friends and the place she grew up in behind, she thought she'd be miserable... until she met him.