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"Hey." I say lightly and give a slight smile. I sit next to him on the bench that stares out towards the football field.

"So. Thank you." I look at him.

"I don't know what to say. Just tell me what you wanna tell me before I leave." He nods.

"So. When Sammy told me he met you, I wanted to meet you. The moment I saw you, i was in awe. I thought you were so beautiful, and you made sure I knew that Sam was safe. You didn't like me. Sam would get home and tell me about you and I felt like I actually knew you. I wanted to get to know you. The guys found out I had a crush on you. At the party, they did dare me to ask you out and when you said you love me I had to break up with you. Once they said that, I did not agree. I told them I wouldn't do that to you. I thought they were too drunk to even remember, but they were as sober as could be. I asked you out because I wanted to. Not because they dared me. Every date, every smile, every time I held you, every kiss, and every I love you, we're from me. From my heart. Not them. I don't know how, but they found you you said it. I told James it was off but he wouldn't take no for an answer. Andy, I'm so sorry."
I look into his eyes and see he's crying, and I realizing I am too.

"Dean, I-" I stop as another tear escapes my eye and I look at the field. "I love you. I love you so fucking much. You hurt me. But, I love you. I don't know what to do." He puts his hand on my cheek and makes me look at him.

"I know I hurt you. And I'm never going to forgive myself for causing you all that pain. But I love you. That will never change."

What do I do? I love him, but I hate him. I love him. I stare into his eyes and I lean in so our lips meet. Our lips meet and move together.

"I love you." He says pulling away.

"I love you too." He smiles. "So. James can't find out." I look at him confused.

"Wha-" he cuts me off.

"We can't do this. We have to play breakup and heartache. I got something on him that'll get us payback."

"Okay? I have no clue what you're saying. We pretend like this never happened so you can blackmail him?" He smiles and nods.

"Please just trust me. With this at least. I just don't want him to get to us again."

"Okay." He smiles and leans in as I pull away. "Get away from me." I say and he looks confused. I wink and walk off. My phone goes off.

What was That?

I laugh and respond.

We're not together remember? Anyone could be watching.

Smart. I have to delete these messages... :(

Me too. Anyways. I gotta go.

Alright. I love you.

My heart stops and I smile.

I love you too.

I delete the texts and walk to the parking lot. I see grandpas car and get in.

"So. How'd it go?" I sigh and take a deep breath.

"Good." He looks at me curiously.

"Good? What does that mean?" I look at him.

"We talked." He nods. "And wearegettingbacktogether." He looks at me.

"I'm sorry. Can you say that a little slower and not in gibberish?"

"Uh, we maybe kinda sorta be getting back together." I look at my hands as I trail off at the end. He puts his hand on mine and sighs.

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