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Yeekyu's POV

Today I have a tour to go to other places. I'm about to travel to Busan though. I want to know something more about that place by the way. I heard about the legendary broken boulders around that place. I won't believe it until I finally want to prove it by myself.

I am one of the researchers who was actually into history books and such. I frequently spend my month at the library, and I even owned a mini bookshelves on my living room. It was pleasing to the eyes with so detailed setups I made. I have no intention to ignore that corner though.

Anyway, I just want to know their culture and tradition at Busan. Like how would they end up with that accent, right? I drove myself from my home to Busan. It will took an hour or an half depending on traffic. I'm already in illegal age, 19 years old to be exact and I got my own car thanks to my dad as my birthday gift.

Also I graduated already and proceeded to College. It was good timing because my mom owned an apartment near at the school that I'm planning to apply and I will move in there alone.

Yes, it was pitiful that I left my parents, but they said I should study and no need to worry about them which is personally heartbreaking because I really care about them. Its not because I'm dependent person, it's just I'm not that used to it when my parents aren't around. They even mentioned that I should be strong and independent so that I can conquer every boulders blocking my way. It may sounded so simple but it was meaningful to me.

I parked in front of the apartment that my mother owned. It was one of the common apartment ever passed by this village. Though, I don't mind and just went to the vacant room. Of course I already paid the room and got a key from the counter and soon I rode the elevator.

It passed at the second floor which my room was at third floor and someone joined along. He saw me and gave a smile. Then nodded to me. I nod him back with a simper and averted eyes. He pressed and went beside me. I distant a bit further, not hoping any electrocuted skin. He stood peacefully and wandered eyes around.

He has the looks from front to sideview hugh? "Miss, I think we arrived at third floor" he turned to my direction and I quickly looked away. Dammit. I nodded timidly and stepped out of the elevator as fast as I can.

Gosh, I stared a guy that he even caught me, aw man. I shook off the thoughts and start searching of my designated room. "Gotcha" I unlocked the door and got in. I unpacked all my stuffs, organized it to the drawer and closet. It took my 10 minutes after furnishing my new temporary room. I decided that I will rarely use this room when I'm too lazy to go home.

"I should check the library near here, gosh I better say hi to him" I wore black and white shirt and skinny jeans on. I snatched my long grey jacket along as I rushed off my room.

5:34 pm

Still early, it was sunsetting already though it can be seen, not that dark yet as I briskly walking to the library. As I entered, I smelled pure pages scent was being flipped, rolling wheel echoed along the hallway, and the mid-silence tuning too. It is a place that I wanted to spend alone and can focus easily.

"Ren!" I called out as I headed towards his counter. He was wearing round glasses on his plain white polo shirt. "Oh Kyu, you came" he whisper yelled and spread his arms. I hugged him and patted his back then pulled away. We had a small conversation how was our day missing each other. We even giggled a bit because of hilarious Ren that he left the magazine on his desk and most of the students thought he was pervert but actually he was just sat on it because it has hole on his cushion chair.

"By the way, have you read about this Demi God, thingy?" Minki randomly asked as I was in a process. Until I understood him, I nodded simultaneously. "Why?" "The one about the 9 Demi Gods?" I never knew about 9 thingy, I furrowed my brows instead. "There is this two missing Demi Gods and was actually born here in Earth, and I bet those 9 was looking for those two! Don't you see the article?" He explained further. I don't have any idea about this, maybe I'm just into History not these Myth ones. "No, where did you read?" He shifted his office chair and stopped to his laptop. As he finally found the article, he stood and walked around the counter holding the laptop on his left arm and went beside me. I saw the title itself.

"Demi Gods are real,"

I leaned away already judging this kind of assumptions or something. "No really, its true just read the article, WHOLE article!" He lent it to me and I held it then.

I completely read the article and it made me struck itself. Was there even possible those creature still around? No, it can't be, I won't believe with such a made out fraud article. But I will just keep this in mind. "What if you are the key, though?" He nudged my arm as I chuckled instead. "It's impossible though" he smirked to me instead and read his book.

No way if it's me.

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