The Empty House

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She found the house. The freaking house. Of course she'd find it alone, too, when I'm not there.

Fear and worry entangle inside of me and I wonder if this is how she felt when she was dying. It's not a pleasant feeling, that's for sure, and I wish that it'd just go away. It's making it difficult to concentrate in my classes and it only makes the ticking clock go slower.

By the time the bell rings, signaling the end of the last class I'm just about ready to freak out.

What if she went into the house already? Alone? Oh god, what if something happens and I'm not there?

My worry intensifies as I gather my things and rush to get out of the building. A few people try to stop me and talk, but I ignore every one of them, even Jack, who seems genuinely surprised by my behavior.

"Hey, man, what the hell? What's gotten into you?" Jack asked as he jogs to keep up with me. I side glance at him before looking forward once more.

"Nothing, there's just something that I've really got to do right now." I said as I hurry out of the building. Jack matches my pace with ease as we navigate around people and into the schools parking lot.

"What about practice?" I stop altogether at that.



I'd completely forgotten about practice after school today. With everything that happened yesterday and now today with Alyssan finding that house,


"You totally forgot, dude, you can't be missing practices. Coach will go balistic if you miss todays practice. You weren't there yesterday and the homecoming game is right around the corner." I lift a hand up and run it through my hair.

"You've got to cover for me today." I said as I look back at Jack. He just shakes his head and holds his hands up.

"No way in hell. If I get caught doing that shit I'll be stuck running laps around the field the rest of the year. You're my best friend, but even I can't do some things." I growl in frustration at that and grab onto Jack's shoulders.

"This is no joke, dude. I seriously need you to cover for me today!" I said and I'm sure he can see how serious I am in my eyes. Eventually, he relents and sighs.

"I don't know what's so important, but go do it." I relax at that and drop my hands from his shoulders.

"You owe me big time!" Jack called after me as I rush to my jeep. I just wave at him over my shoulder before I hop in and start the engine, peeling out of the parking lot like hell is on my heels.

Alyssan is waiting on the front lawn of the house and I sag forward in relief when she comes rushing over to my vehicle.

"It's about time you got here. I was dying of boredom." She said as I step out of my jeep. I look over my shoulder, deadpan.

"Haha, very fun, you're sense of humor astounds me." Alyssan smirks, either not catching onto my sarcasm or just ignoring it altogether, I've no idea.

"I know, it's just a natural talent I was born with." She said, tossing her hair over her shoulder. I just watch her for a moment because, even though she looks like a character straight from a horror film, she is still pretty. Amazingly so.

It's not fair.

I sigh and shake my head.

"Come on, let's go and get this over with." I said as I start walking towards the old house. Alyssan follows close behind me. I stop when we get to the front door, though, unease settling over me.

"What's wrong?" Alyssan asked and I look down at her. Her brown eyes are wide with curiosity and I can see a concern in them for me. My stomach turns over at that look in her eyes. I swallow a lump in my throat and look forward as I open the front door.

We step inside to an empty and dark entry hall. It's strangely cold and I shudder as I take a few more steps inside. Alyssan closes the door behind us, extinguishing what little light we did have.

"Woah, it's really dark." I nod at that and reach out for the light switch on the wall. When I flip it, nothing happens and I curse silently under my breath.

"No electric." I said as I look down at Alyssan who is little more than shadows beside me.

"Then we'll have to make due without." I click my tongue in annoyance at that.

"You're really set on this, aren't you?" I asked as Alyssan takes the lead and goes deeper into the house.

"And you're not? I thought you wanted to help me find my body and killer."

"Not when it means needlessly endangering myself. I thought it might actually be a little fun, but this is just psycho, walking into a killers home." Alyssan snorts at that.

"Really? I think it's kind of exciting." I roll my eyes at that as I follow her deeper into the dark and empty building.

"Yeah, well, you're already dead. You're not really risking much." Alyssan doesn't respond to that and we both fall quiet as we get deeper and deeper into the house.

We check every room and find nothing. The entire house is empty as if it hasn't been lived in, in months. Even the closets are empty.

"This blows." Alyssan huffs in annoyance. "I really thought I was onto something. I mean, this house, it makes perfect sense after the church didn't reveal anything." I can tell that she's getting frustrated and I can't help but smile a little at that.

"Hey, don't give up yet. We still haven't checked the basement. There might be something down there." Alyssan simply nods, but before either of us can do or say anything, my phone comes to life. "Shit." I muttered as I look who's calling. "It's Lynn." My eyes move to the time and I curse once more. Four hours have passed from searching this house and I hadn't even noticed. "I have to go. Lynn's going to seriously chew me out for being this late to get home, forget about ditching practice." Alyssan grabs onto my arm to stop me from leaving.

"You can't! Sawyer, we're almost done here. Just a little longer, please! Something could be done in the basement!" Alyssan whines and I bite down on my lip as my eyes go to the door that leads down and underground.

I could stay and go down with her. I want to stay and go down with her to see everything, but I can't. If I don't go home now, Lynn and my dad will be even worse. It'll just make things harder in the long run. It'll make everything harder in the long run.

I look back to Alyssan and I sigh and pat her on the head like she's a child. Her hair is smooth against my skin and I want nothing more than to wrap it around my fingers. I know she'll go down there alone if I leave.

"I can't. I'm sorry. We'll go down later, okay? I can sneak out of the house tonight, after everyone's asleep."

Not like it'd be the first time.

Alyssan doesn't say anything for a long time before eventually dropping my arm and looking down at the ground. I can tell that she's angry, but I know nothing I can say will help the situation.

"I'm sorry. I'll be back in a bit." I said and I turn to leave. As I'm walking out of the house I hear a door slam and I know exactly where she's going.

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