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Peace and quiet.

Two very very, seemingly extremely rare, things that I don't seem to find. I was walking by the river, leaning over the bridge to stare at my reflection. What a boring image. Thankfully ripples in the water made it seem more interesting. I laughed remembering this as the spot when Elliott first took me out on a date. I wasn't afraid then.

Not that I am afraid.

Or if I am I'm only afraid that I'll lose someone.

I love too many people.

Although if we lost chloe I wouldn't be too fussed.


I sighed looking up as Elliott walked towards me, clearly I'm predictable.

"You didn't need to come look for me, I'm okay."

"I wasn't worried, I just wanted to...yeah okay I was checking on you. I know how you get when things work you up." He sighed, standing beside me.

"Nothing had worked me up Elliott" I huffed folding my arms and turning my back to the water. 

"No. Not even Chloe?" He smirked slightly.

Annoying me even more, he knew exactly what the issue was, not that he would do anything about the issue.
"Ellie. I thought you said that there was only the five of us. Not six. She isn't a Mew Mew. And I know you know that. She just isn't. ..does she even have any powers? Because she doesn't look like it. Plus I don't like her."

"Oh so your personal views are getting in the way again. You can't not want her on the team purely because you don't like her."

"Again?! What do you mean again?" I hissed and stood up, how could he! Does he not understand the dynamics of a team? Getting Renee on the team was hard enough. And now he wants to throw someone else into the mix. Let alone what creating a Mew army would mean; that's the last thing any of us want, we are a very strong team. The larger you make the chain the easier it is to break.

"I mean that when you were with Mark you always hesitated."

"I did not! I never did! I always put the team first however much it cost me. Maybe if I hadn't things would be different..."

"Yeah like the world would have been destroyed."

Urg! I hate how calm he is! How is it that I can loose my cool and calm outlook and be met by his cool and calm. I don't like it!

This Chloe is ruining everything.

She has got to go.

"Listen. I am the leader of this team. I found my team mates. With no help from you might I add. I will not allow you to come swanning in and throw someone else into the mix. No. Not happening.  Never!" I yelled once more, and people say I have anger issues...maybe I do...but this was justified anger.

He rolled those gorgeous Blue eyes of his and sighed, not wanting to argue he nodded "alright."

"Huh?" I was a little surprised he gave up with out a fight, maybe he wasn't sure about Chloe after all. "Really? She can go?"

Unfortunately before Elliott was allowed to say yes and solve this issue Mini Mew popped up and started yelling about a predisite.

"Really..." I muttered to myself, yeah peace and quiet really is too much to ask.

"Zoey!!" Elliotts yell turned my head forward as a giant dog with three heads ran towards us, looking like something out of a myth my grandma would tell me. Truly ugly.


The job called again and I activated my power pendant, standing on the rail of the bridge I grimaced at the monster that had stopped a few feet away from us.  It's grey and purple head oozed slimy goo from its mouth, and it's bark (if you could even call it that) was horrendous.

"Mini Mew. Go get the others"

"Getting the others Zoey. Getting the others." He began to fly away, but Dren had other ideas. One of the dogs heads stretched out away from its body and grabbed Mini Mew, biting him he tossed my little friend through the sky until he fell into the fountain.

I clenched my fists at this now very personal attack, "well. If you want to play the game."

The heads came after me, one then another, each time I jumped out of the way. Occasionally his giant, paw would knock me back, but thankfully I landed on my feet. Although with out my teammates I was struggling.

"You know," I called out as I kicked the side of a face with my foot "this would be a lot easier with some help from a knight!"

Glancing to Elliott he shook his head, was he afraid? He couldn't be. But he didn't want to that was for sure.

"Zoey watch out!" I heard him shout as another great paw came towards me, I moved out of its path  just in time, this thing seemed to be slowing down.

"Alright. That's it.' I grabbed my Rose Bell and launched an attack at each of the three heads, successfully defusing them. Leaving three small puppies running after each other into the park.

"You seem to be growing in strength Zoey! I'm not sure I could say the same for your counterpart," Dren laughed as he stood close to me, looking across to Elliott. "Perhaps you'd be better off with out them all, you either work alone or end up saving them."

"Oh shut up!" I shouted, pulling out my dagger and thrusting it towards Drens stomach, a flash of aqua light emerged and blinded me, groaning I covered my eyes and turned away as Dren squealed like a small child. He disappeared into the air, leaving my dagger to collapse onto the floor.

"Zoey! Are you alright?" Elliott asked as he ran towards me, kneeling beside me.

"No thanks to you..." I grumbled reaching for my dagger and inspecting it. The pink jewels in the top had now a slight blew tint, the blew ones sparkled, the blade had some engravings on them, nothing that I could understand. Right now I didn't understand anything.

"What just happened?" I looked around, to see if Dren was still there or anyone had seen what took place.

"Let's not tell anyone about this."

"Are you serious? Elliott my dagger just had a miraculous blue aqua transformation, I stabbed Dren, you didn't do anything and Mini Mew...Mini Mew!" I pushed myself up and ran off in the direction that I saw him land.

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