Niall Horan has been really depressed and the boys don't know why. He won't talk, eat, sing, or sleep. So one day the boys decide to do age play. But, will Niall like it or will he be mad?
WARNING: This story contains swearing.
Niall's Pov Once Liam told Harry and I that Louis had cancer. We couldn't stop crying. And apparently all that crying made me slip into a deeper headspace. "No No Unca Wouis." I sobbed while making grabby hands for him. Sadly he couldn't pick me up because he was to weak. Thankfully Papa picked me up and said, "Oh NiNi it's okay. Papas got you now. Shh. Baby boy it's alright." Surprisingly that calmed me down and I started slowly falling asleep. Before I knew it I was out cold.
Harry's Pov Once I noticed that Niall had fallen asleep I slowly set him down in his PAC and Play. To my surprise Niall didn't even wake up thank god. Aww he is so adorable but I think that Niall might have fallen into a deeper headspace because he can't crawl anymore. All this stress made my baby boy go deeper in his headspace. I was brought out of my thoughts by Liam asking, "Harry can you help me take Louis to his room?" "Yeah sure and Li I got something that I have to tell you." "Can it wait until we get Louis in his room?" "Of course. Come on Louis let's get you all cozy and in bed." Louis whispered a faint thank you as I carried him into his room. In his room Liam insisted that Louis should have a bath. I was going to argue against that but I mean come on. I'm the youngest why would he listen to me? I don't know if I feel comfortable enough to see Louis naked so I weakly asked, "Liam can you give Louis his bath? And I'll watch Niall?" Liam shook his head no and said, "I'm sorry but I'm going to need your help." "It's alright." It took Liam and I awhile to get Louis all washed up and into some really cozy pajamas. After Louis was completely laying down in his bed Liam and I quietly snuck out. On our way out the door Liam asked, "What did you need to tell me before?" Shit what was I going to say oh yeah. "Niall slipped into a deeper headspace and now he can't even crawl. I think he is around 8 months at the least 6 months old." "Are you serious?" Liam asked while running his hands through his hair. "Yes watch closely when he wakes up from his nap." I replied while looking straight into Liam's eyes. Liam didn't say anything else instead he took a deep breath and walked past me. This is going to be interesting. I quietly follow behind Liam as he mumbled, "This isn't happening." I'm not sure if I should say something but I feel like I shouldn't. It wasn't around 2 PM when Niall woke up crying. I quickly walked into the living room and picked up Niall. "Aww baby boy what's wrong?" Niall looked at me like he was confused. Oh shit. Then it hit me. "Oh does my baby need a nappy change?" Niall cried, "Yes Papa." It didn't take me long to change Niall thankfully. Once I was finished Niall asked, "Tan I haf stuffy and Dumdum?" "Of course anything for you baby boy." I quickly retrieved Niall's favorite green dummy and his Winnie The Pooh stuffy. Niall looks so adorable with his dummy. I carefully picked Niall back up and carried him back downstairs to find Liam. Once we were downstairs we were greeted by Liam. Which made Niall happily say, "Papa wook it's Daddy." Liam smiled as Niall made grabby hands for him. Once Niall was safely in Liam's arms I mouthed, "Watch him." Liam nodded and asked, "How's my baby doing?" Niall didn't reply instead he giggled. Poor Ni he doesn't understand much anymore. "Hey Li I'm going to start making dinner and I make Ni some baby cereal." "Okay that would be great actually. Thank you. And Hazza can you make Lou some Chicken broth please?" "Yes I can do that." "Thanks" Liam said as I walked into the kitchen. I wonder if Niall would be able to eat purée foods. I mean we could give it a shot.
Liam's Pov I'm so stressed out right now . And it doesn't help that my baby boy slipped into a deeper headspace. He doesn't understand much and it's kind of sad. And poor Louis i can't believe that he has cancer. If I remember correctly he starts chemo next week. Oh good lord I swear to god someone is trying to fucking kill me. My thoughts were interrupted by Niall saying, "Daddy I's wove wu." I smiled and placed a kiss on Niall's head. "And I love you baby boy. Always and Forever." Niall let out a cute giggle as he played with his Pooh Bear.
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I remember how he insisted that we should get this exact Pooh Bear. But now he probably doesn't remember that. After a few more minutes Harry came in the living room and said, "Dinner is ready I'm going to go give Lou his broth. I'll be back." Before I knew it Harry was gone again. "Hey baby are you hungry?" I asked while tickling Niall's tummy. Niall giggled and said, "Wes Ni hungry." I carefully picked Niall up and carried him into the kitchen. That's where I set him in his high chair. Hmm let's see what Harry made him. I was surprised to see some puréed noodles and chicken. Well this looks interesting as fuck. Damm I dragged a chair up to the high chair and started feeding Niall. Niall didn't seem to mind that his food was puréed. And he ended up eating all of it. After I finished feeding Niall I dished out a plate for me and sat down to enjoy my supper. Harry eventually came back and sadly said, "He didn't eat much but I will keep on offering him snacks throughout the night." "Good idea Harry. Why don't you get yourself some food. And once your done we can give Niall a bath and then his bottle. How does that sound?" Harry sat down besides me and said, "That sounds like a good idea mate. But I'm not hungry so whenever your ready we can give this cutie a bath." Harry said as he playfully ruffled Niall's hair. While I was finishing up my supper Harry kept Niall entertained. After Niall had a nice bath I dressed him in some cozy pajamas. And carried him into the kitchen with me. Harry ended up making the bottle for Niall.
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While I was feeding Niall his bottle I soothingly sang to him. Once Niall finished his bottle I placed his dummy in his mouth and slowly carried him up to his nursery.
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Goodnight my sweet baby boy. Daddy Loves you. I said as I placed a gentle kiss on his head. I quietly turned on his mobile and managed to sneak out without making a single sound. Time to go check on Louis and Harry. Good Lord.
Sorry guys I know it's been awhile but I managed to come up with something. I hope you guys enjoy this. ❤️🐘