Chapter 19

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"Niall, Louis, and Liam if you really want to, we need to go! Now! Anne please watch my sisters. This is important." I ran out the door with all 4 boys following behind me. They couldn't catch up and I sat waiting in the car trying to catch my breath. 

Finally they all jumped in and Bob drove off. He knows where to go. 
"Kenzie what's going on?" Ni came and sat next to me. His arms slowly wrapped around me. 
"I've found our baby Ni. I know where she is." To say he was shocked is an understatement. He cried! Niall fucking cried! 

"Hello there ma'am we would like to come in." I need to speak formally. 
"How may I help you all? Awful lot of y' isn't there?" She's got a slight accent. 
"Yes ma'am. I'd like to ask about a child. She should be about 5 months old." Her eyes widened. In shock maybe? 

"You'd like to see miss Darcy Grace?" Grace... Mother still kept the middle name. 
"We would!" Niall answered for me. 
"We'd also like to take her back. Please." She doesn't look happy. Why isn't she happy?

"I'm afraid that's not possible miss Kenzington." So she knows who I am. "Your mother had strict instructions that you could see her as much as you like but you are not to adopt her back as your own. However there is one thing..." I'm willing to do it if it means I get my daughter back. 

"What is it?" She didn't reply.
"What IS IT?" Harry demanded. He slammed his fist on the desk. 
"Sir please calm down. Look, you cannot adopt her but if one of your friends is willing to then it would work. You'd still get to see her." I have 2 very good friends. 

Niall has the same idea. We both looked to the boys. Liam understood and did the same. 
"Kenz I don't know. I don't know if I could do that to you." Oh god I'm making Louis cry. 

"Lou it's fine. I'd much rather she was with you than anyone else. I trust you boys. And I know how much Harry wants his Darcy." And now Harry's crying too. 

"You boys are my best friends. Have been for god knows how long. I fucking need you to do this. Please!" We're practically begging at this point. "Adopt her. Help us. I need my daughter back in my life. Please." Ni's right. We do need her back. 

"Fine. Only if it's okay with you Haz?" Harry looked up, tears brimming his eyes. 
"Of course it is boobear. I want to do this not only to help Niall and Kenz but to save the girls life." She would be condemned to a life of hell if she stayed here. 

"We want to adopt her. We'll do it." The woman smiled. It was a nice and genuine smile. 
"I've sorted the paperwork already. Did it while you were discussing. Just sign in the necessary places." She handed the papers to us and walked off. 

Both Harry and Louis signed everywhere they needed to, like that. They just wanted to get this over with so we can see my little girl again. But it's now a waiting game. It'll take up to an hour to get her ready to leave. 

The woman came back in. She had a well grown baby in her arms. Our daughter. You can tell straight away from the hair. She had Niall's hair. And her eyes. Don't get me started on those. They're Niall all through until the colour. She's got that from me. And her nose and mouth are just a mixture of us both.

"Well here you go little one. Darcy Grace, here is your mum and dad. Or your dad and dad. Who's taking her from me." Niall was quick to be by her side. He grabbed Darcy from her and pulled her into a gentle hug. 

I couldn't help but cry. He noticed. When he did I got pulled over, into their hug. 
"Babygirl your mama is here. I love you so much." I gave her a soft kiss to the forhead. 

Liam grabbed Darcy's things from the woman and we left. I decided we could walk into town. Bentley will meet us there with the car. There we can buy a car seat for her. And any other necessities. 

"Kenzie you're back! It's bad news. Your mother she-" 
"Died of a heart attack. I was already informed." I don't understand how I'm so happy about this. Maybe it's got something to do with the fact that I just got my daughter back. The daughter she's been keeping me from since my babygirl was born. 

"You have my condolences." 
"Thankyou Anne. I think you might want to check in on your son and son in law. They have someone." She looked confused but got up nevertheless. I heard a squeel as she entered their room. 

"Did I do the right thing Ni? Getting her back I mean." We sat down. 
"Of course you did baby girl. You always do the right thing. Just like you will in her future. And the future of our unborn child." I can't wait for him or her to be born. 

"It's so strange. Darcy Grace Tomlinson-Styles. Instead of Darcy Grace Horan. The latter doesn't fit well."
"You could say she's Darcy Stylinson." Niall joked, erupting a loud laugh. Having Larry's last name suits her better. A lot better. But their last name has a nice little ring to it anyway. 

"Miss Kenzington I would like to inform you that now your mother has passed, you are to take the position and you must move into the mansion right away." I 'must' move in. Must is a very strong word. 

What if I don't want to? That house leaves bad memories. Who would take my position? What about the baby? How am I even going to become the new duchess? Surely there's a process I've got to go through.

"You may invite to live with you whoever you wish. Including your daughter. As long as both Harry and Louis are there too then miss Darcy is allowed to live there with you." This is all I've ever wanted in life. To live with my four best friends. 

"Boys, looks like we're staying. I've got a county to look after. Considering my mothers position, I'll be leading a whole country at this rate." Not England. Oh no. She didn't rule over England. She was duchess of this county but she didn't rule over England. Oh no it had to be Scotland and Ireland. 

"Ni baby I'll be ruling over your family. They have to follow my 'strict orders'." I'll be nothing like my mum. She just wanted everyone to suffer. Instead I'll do the opposite. I want to make sure every person is happy and that they stay happy too. 

"Come on boys, pack your bags. We've got a mansion to run. The staff there will be lost without me." Everyone but me and Niall got up to get their things. 
"Just don't let this get to your head gorgeous." 
"I won't Ni baby. That's the last thing I plan on doing!" 

A/N It's half term so I've got a week off exams. They're going alright I suppose. Then I'm on study leave so I don't actually have to go in except for exams and revision xx


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