Clay's POV
I am awoken from my bad dream. Bad dream? More like Nightmare! I am all sweaty. I get out of bed and walk into the bathroom.
I walk over to the sink and look in the mirror turning the water on then splashing water on my face. I turn off the water wiping my face with the towel and look down at my arms. It happened ... again. What is the cause of these nightmares?! They can't keep going on like this. My arms are bleeding so I wash them off. When the blood is washed away there are scratches down my arm and my other hand has blood on them so I know I did this. But why?! What is causing me to do this to myself?! I told Blair that the Nightmares stopped but they never did. I can't worry her. I am her protector! She isn't mine!
I grab the gauze from the bathroom cabinet and wrap my arm. If i have to tie my wrist to the bed before I go to sleep that's what I will do! I go to the kitchen to grab a glass of water then I go back to my room and lay back down. I gaze up at the ceiling it is complete darkness. It comforts me. Blair used to be just a little girl that had a mom that was friends with my dad. But then the closer I got to her, the more I was drawn to her. She has a darkness about her that somehow connects to mine. I don't know how but I have a need to protect her like she is my own flesh and blood. Like she is my little sister....
I cant go back to sleep so I just get up and take a long shower. When I get out I get ready for school and it is perfect timing. I grab my stuff and walk out to my car. I drive over to Blair's to pick her up for school.
We get to school and Blair gives me a big hug and of course her hugs always make me smile. But then I go back to being serious. She pulls away smiling but her smile slowly fades away.
"Why don't you ever smile at school?" Blair asks sadly.
"I do!" I reply.
"No you don't I never see you smile."
"Thats because I only smile when Im hugging you!" I say patting her on the head with a smile. I turn away.
"Because its you. Your my best friend why wouldn't I?"
"Your an awesome weirdo." she says ruffling my hair.
"Well thank you but so are you."
"I take pride in that." she says bowing but bumps into someone.
"Damn Bitch watch where your going!" a the girl shouts. She has dark hair short on one side longer on the other with a lip and nose piercing with 4 ear piercings. No doubt this girl is a Druggie!
"I - I didn't mean to."
"You sluts are always in our way!" the girl shouts.
"Okay my turn!" I say moving in front of Blair. "For one, you are the sluts and bitches that are always in our way! So you watch where you are going! And two, watch how you speak to people!"
"Oh you think you are so tough?!" she says rolling her eyes and walking away.
I turn back and face Blair.
"Are you okay?" I ask.
"Yeah! I am fine!" she says walking away from me looking pissed.
"Blair what are you doing?! Come on. Whats wrong?" I say going after her. When I catch up to her she turns around and her eyes are watery and she looks like she is about to cry.
"......... You don't get it do you." she says trying to hold back her tears but they fall anyway. I am confused. "You are the reason I feel so alone many times! But you don't see that!"
"Blair what are you talking about I am always here for you."
"Yeah only you! You always stand up for me and never give me a chance to do anything by myself! I don't have any other friends because u scare them away!"
"I am sorry I never realize what I do hurts you." I reply sadly placing my hands on her shoulder but she pulls away.
"Of course you don't! You are too busy protecting me! A lot of times I just need space." she says turning around looking at me with her eyes filled with tears. I slowly take my hand and wipe a tear that is threatening to fall.
"If you want me to give you space just ask..." I reply gently but sadly.
"I-I want space I just... I don't want to leave." she says looking down. I hesitantly pull Blair into my arms and when i do she doesn't resist so I just hug her close to me like I always do.
"Lets go home..." I say stepping back and lifting her chin up to look at me. She nods so I take her down to the nurse. Blair gets checked out of school to go home sick. I don't care what happens to me so I just leave without say.
When she gets out of the nurses office I am right there waiting for her. I raise my eyebrows and she nods. Its like a little gesture of verification to leave. We walk out to my car and I open the door for her. When I get in the car I don't start it up right away. I look over to Blair and she looks back.
"Do you want me to drop you off at your house and leave you alone?" I ask with a straight face. she looks down and says, " I wanna go to your house with you."

My Best Friend Is My Protector
RomanceBlair gets in an accident so Blake and his mom take care of her