Chapter Thirteen: Revelations

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Peter's POV (Present)

It wasn't difficult to pinpoint my location at this moment, it was what I was doing outside of Archie's house that I didn't understand since I couldn't remember walking outside. I didn't dwell on it long as my feet began to move on their own, being pulled towards some unknown force.

There was nothing but absolute silence around me, not a soft hum of a passing car, the song of a bird or the rustling of leaves. It was as if the world didn't exist outside of my reality but where I would once find this disconcerting I found it peaceful.

I continued to move slowly and eventually, my footsteps vibrated off the stone as I made my way up the steps to the Cooper home before quickly making my way inside. I heard the subtle click of the door as I closed it behind me and made my way slowly through the halls. My feet moved on their own as I began to slowly follow the haunting melody that was blanketing the house. I arrived quickly at Betty's door, hearing the music behind, drawing me in.

I opened the door silently but rather than her room I walked into the roof of a skyscraper. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust but when they did I saw a platform in the middle of the rooftop, raised about a foot off the ground. It was here that the massive grand piano contrasted drastically with its surroundings while a single figure with blonde hair sat with her back to me in front of the instrument.

I knew that ponytail anywhere and my feet made quick work in getting me to Betty as she continued to play a lullaby. Her eyes were closed and a serene look was plastered on her face as her fingers ran elegantly across the keys. I could see her muscles tighten and loosen with each movement through her search and it took all my self-control to not run my fingers down her arm.

I gently lowered myself onto the bench beside her but rather than close my eyes I stared at Betty intently while she played. It had to be the most ethereal sight I had ever seen as the sun's warming rays bounced off the surface creating a halo of light around the both of us.

The familiar song eventually came to an end and she slowly removed her hands from the keys to look at me. Her hand came up and cradled the back of my head and I made no effort to resist her as she brought my face to hers. Her lips were so soft yet demanding.

Betty gasped in surprise when she felt my arms come around her. I clung to her tightly, afraid to let go.

I placed her onto the piano top and she came in between my legs, claiming my lips once again with a new fervor. I was so intense in my movements yet not once did it resemble violence, just pure unfiltered passion that was quickly consuming me. We continued like this for several moments, my actions becoming increasingly bolder, when she broke the silence.

"I want you, Peter." She whispered into my mouth and my heart took off in a flutter and my eyes widened. I may not be experienced but I knew exactly what she meant and even if she hadn't spoken the look in her eyes was enough.

" don't know..." I stumbled. Was I ready for this? All doubts were quickly erased by her lips as her hands made their way up the sides of my legs and onto my waist.

I pushed her further back onto the piano and somehow without breaking the kiss I lifted her onto the lid. I laid her down gently while I hovered over her, pressing just enough of my weight on her. She pulled back and I began kissing her neck, my hands gliding across her body when I heard something echo through the room faintly. "Did you hear that?" I asked breathlessly.

"No." She murmured before claiming my lips again and for the moment I pushed everything from my mind. That was until I heard it again.


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"Wait wait now I know I heard something!" I said quickly around her lips. I knew I wanted to stay with her but the curiosity was killing me. "Tell me you heard that."

Betty looked at me, her eyes smoldering and she opened her mouth to speak but rather than agree or disagree with me she began singing. "Havana uh na na, half of my heart is in Havana, uh na na." However, it was not her voice that came out of her mouth and I grew more and more confused as she continued to sing in a deep female tone. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Suddenly the sky dimmed, the sun disappearing as I glanced around the city quickly. When I returned to look at Betty she was gone, as if she disappeared into thin air.

"Betty!" I called out, jumping off the piano and looking around. "Betty!" I called again but only received my own voice echoing back to me off the piano. 'Havana' rang loudly throughout the city and I clenched my jaw in frustration.

"Shut up!" I yelled into the blue sky but that didn't stop it from repeating over and over again. I finally stormed towards the door, opening it harshly and slamming it hard behind me.

My eyes slowly opened and I groaned as I heard the ridiculously loud tune of Havana coming from the hall. I didn't need to check if it was Veronica or my aunt, the song was enough to know who it was and I was already plotting my revenge.

I could already feel the awkwardness taking over me as I remembered the dream. They had never been that intense before nor had it ever progressed that far and I had a pretty good idea why that was.

I grabbed my phone, not removing my head from the pillow, and stared at the last message I sent Betty, a lonely 'Leave me alone' staring back at me once again.

My alarm clock announced it was 8:45 and had been set to go off for 8:15. First class started at 9 and that was fifteen minutes I could have spent with dream Betty and fifteen more minutes of blissful ignorance over the fact I'm very late. Surprise surprise, I barely got any sleep last night.

I sighed to myself as I harshly rubbed my fingers on my heavy eyes. I quickly stripped off my sweats and hopped into the shower, allowing a small dose of cold water to hit me in order to jolt my body awake before cranking up the heat.

All I could concentrate on was Betty.

Was she truly sick yesterday or was it just an excuse to avoid me? I knew for a fact she was too responsible to miss class for something insignificant. Dammit, what was I talking about?! This wasn't insignificant at all! I deliberately invaded her privacy. I'm a terrible person and I should feel guiltier than I was already feeling.

I wanted to tell her the truth. How could I tell her the truth? The answer was clear. I could tell her the truth by simply telling her that I felt compelled to read the notebook. It's not just a justification but it's the truth... Even if it doesn't make sense to her.

"Hey Betty, you know I read your personal notebook and all but... there's more. I've been wanting to tell you this, you can stop with the theories now, I'm Night-Monkey case closed oh also I'm Spider-Man and I like you." I talked to myself as if I had finally lost it.

I opened the window in the bathroom a crack to air out some of the steam while I towel-dried my hair and made my way back to my room.

As I hesitantly faced myself in the mirror it was starting to hit me how badly I messed this up. Someone came into my life prepared to get to know me better, giving me the best company I could ask for and I didn't value it.

I didn't deserve Betty's friendship. I knew that before, but now it was undeniable.


Betty's POV (Present)

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