chapter 3 - phil came back

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Dan's pov.
I was about to go to sleep when i decied to make sure that phil knew where is be tomorrow if he wanted to talk so i went to Twitter to see a tweet from phil saying

a little message for dan*
Dan if your reading this im so sorry i never ment to be a dick towards you I never ment to hurt you ever im so so sorry i wish I hadnt of done what i did , im so sorry that I've put you through so much shit in the last year I wish there was a way for us to talk about it... I'm gonna go to our special place tomorrow I hope your gonna be there waiting for me #phil,danswaitingforyou

I was shocked when i saw that phil had tweeted cause he has ignored all forms of communication since we split and it was upsetting so when he tweeted also using the # I new that he was reading what the fans and myself had tweeted I instantly switch of Twitter and went to ring phil,
At this point I stoped my self as he only tweeted me it's not like he's text called or even dmed me .
I still hoped that he would care for me but i had gotten the impression that he didnt want to talk to me so i turned my phone of and went to sleep.

The next morning I woke up did the daily routine and called phil knowing he proberly wouldnt awnser with out even realising that this time he had awnserd I casually said out loud wtf am i doing. To hear a familiar voice awnser "dan why the fuck you calling at stupid o'clock.. you know better then anyone not to call me before midday."

Phil's pov

I was woken up by my phone I looked at it to see who the hell was ringing me a daft oclock only to awnser as I droped my phone as I go to say hello I hear dan saying "wtf am i doing'
Im still half asleep as im tryna figure out how to take my phone of loud so i can talk to dan. before I can engage my brain i start talking shit about how dan knows better then anyone not to talk to me be for midday.
DAN gose super silent to the point i thought he'd hung up I start calling his name "ello Dan dan dan , Daniel Daniel hello Daniel as I go to call him aging i hear dan say something.
I'm laying in bed thinking to myself oh how I missed his voice and with out realising that i had said it out loud dan replied i miss you to.
As the phone call gose on im wishing dan would lye next to me and thinking to my self I would do anything for him to just hug me then i relizes that i'd promised dan i'd would meet him at our special spot.

Dan's pov

I'm sitting here wishing that i could feel Phil's touch. I completely started wandering if phil ment what he tweeted last night. I really hope he did cause i wanted to see his beautiful face, i wanted to feel his soft hands around my face.
I asked phil what time he was going to be at our special spot. The line went quiet and then i heard phil say "not to sure yet as i have to film a video what time will you be there because I miss you." We agreed on a time to meet at our special spot.

After we ended the phone call I decied I needed to make my self precentable so i grab a shower grab some brekky and sit on Tumblr for hours. As I would usely do befor i headed out to our special spot.

Phil's pov

Dan and i agreed on what time we would meet at our special spot and ended the convo.
I needed to film and get a shower all this and i knew that filming would take forever so i decied to start the filming and try to get as much done as possible as time went on I relised that i need to get a shower quickly as I need to leave in an hour.
I stopped filming and grabbed a shower suddenly the nerves kicked in and i started wandering why i had agreed to meet dan I knew he'd proberly be pissed at the way i had treated him. After the shower I got in to some smart but casual clothes and went to meet dan on my way i stopped at the shop to grab a bunch of roses.
I new that dan would be early so i wanted to be on time.
I grabed the flowers as quick as I could and went to our special spot as I got to the cafe I was so nervous that tears were welling in my eyes .
I stop just out side and look through the window and i see dan sitting there as beautiful as ever, I don't think he had seen me yet so i had time to sort my face out as the tears we now rolling down my face.

Dans pov
Time came for me to leave i wanted to be early so that i could prepare to see the man I love.
I arrived around ten mins early and waited for phil my nerves were high so i distracted my self with Tumblr.
I hadent noticed that phil had arrived as he came up to me i relised he had been crying.
Even though he had been a dick towards me he was still the super sensitive boy i fell in love with all those years ago as Phil stood there with the most georgous bunch of flowers he still had tears running down his face.
Wich broke my heart I felt a tear running down my face I quickly wiped it away and pulled phil in for a hug, he tryed to pull away but im slightly taller than him so he couldn't move he soon gave in and wrapped his arms around me we stayed like this for a good 5 minutes.

Phil's pov
I walked in to the cafe just as dan looked up from his phone he noticed that i had been crying.
Dan being the senitive carer he the started to cry as well, he pulled me in for a hug as I tryed to wiggle out of it but hes slightly taller then me so i couldn't pull away.
We sat and talked for what seemed like hours about how i hurt him and how he had been comeing to this spot everyday since we broke up.
I knew that i had been a super sonic dick towards him and made him feel like he wasent loved by me. ( witch was so far from the truth) I loved this guy with ever ounce of my being he's the love of my life.

Dans pov.
We sat talking for what could only seem like hours about how he had treated me and how i felt and even how he felt. I told him that he had made me feel that he didnt love me and that our whole relationship was a joke. He assured me that our relationship hadnt been a joke and that he loved me so much that when he relised how he has been treating me he knew I deserved better and that's why he had ended our relationship. When i told him how i had come here to our special spot everyday since we broke up he went really quiet and started to cry, he new that i loved him so much.
I looked deep in to Phil's eyes and with that i started to tell him that even though he had treated me like shit and he had ended it I still saw a future with him . he was my world my life my everything. Befor i could go on phil got up from his seat and befor i knew it I felt his lips on mine.

Phil's pov

Dan started to tell me about how he still saw a future with me and that i was his world and his everything before I could stop myself I was walking over to him and planting a kiss on his sweet lips thinking to my self oh how I missed his sweet sentiual lips.
We look at the time and relised that the cafe was closing we were still talking dan suggested we go home (by home he ment the place we used to live together wich is now his place as I had moved out when we split) as we get back to dans place I felt so overwhelemed by the fact that we once lived here together. I stopped just out side the door, dan looked at me and tried to reasure me that everything was going to be okay because he's here and no matter what we will get through this .

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