Chapter 22

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Luna's POV

School quickly approached. George and I owled everyday we couldn't see each other. I spent the Saturday night before I returned to school at Fred and George's flat. It's a good thing that my father works at the school, then I don't have to worry about spending time with him before I go. He is coming with me. 

Molly doesn't know George and I are together. Actually, I think only Fred knows. I should've talked to Ginny about it. I mean George is her brother... Hopefully she won't be too mad. Speaking of Ginny and Molly, It's like I can hear their 

"Oh, look at your flat! It's so adorable!" Ginny squealed from the living room. I was in George's room in my pajamas...which consisted of underwear and one of his shirts. 

"Yeah, haha, I'll be right back." I heard George speed walking to the room. He quickly opened up the door and shut it behind him. I stared at him wide eyed. "My family is here." 

"Yeah, I can hear them. What should I do?" 

George thought for a moment before coming to a conclusion.

"Put on pants." 

I slipped on my leggings and stood up. George fixed my hair before taking my hand.

"What- no, George. Molly hates me."

"You can't apparate. They will hear you." 

I sighed, knowing he was right. "Let's go."

George cupped my face, tilting my head up to look at him.

"Everything will go alright...okay? My mom will get used to you and-"

"So, your mom doesn't like me..."

"Well- uh- um-"

"It's okay. I figured." I smiled and leaned up to kiss him. 

"Everything is going to be fine." He mumbled against my lips. I pecked his lips before leaning back. "Ready?" 

I nodded. George led me out to the living room. I was behind him so no one could see. 

"Guys..." George started catching everyone's attention. "I have someone I would like you to meet. Well, you've met her before, but she has a could say relation." George stepped to the side and I walked up next to him. "Meet, Luna Snape, my girlfriend." 

Ginny let out a squeak and ran towards me. I stepped back and gripped George's hand tighter. 

"Please don't hit me. I'm sorry I didn't talk to you first." 

Ginny looked at me confused."I'm not mad. I've known George has liked you." 

I let out a deep breath as she hugged me. I quickly hugged her before she pulled away and hugged her brother. Ron was staring at me. Fred was smiling. Author was watching his wife, uncertain on how she was going to react. I noticed there were two others I haven't met yet. Next to one of them was Fleur Delacour. Hermione and Harry were with them as well. 

"Luna! How have you been?" Fleur asked, walking up to me. 

"I've been good. How about you?"

"Good, good, Bill and I are getting married." 

I gasped. "Congratulations!" 

A man walked up. "I would be Bill, by the way. You're Harry's sister, right?"

"That I am...sadly. It's nice to meet you." 

Bill laughed. "It's nice to meet you too." 

The other person I don't know walked up. "Charlie Weasley, pleasure to meet me."

Power (sequel to Little Miss. Snape)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang