:Entry 17:

14 1 0

-Date: May 18th-

Ryan opens the letter that was mailed to him. He was sitting in his living room, he's alone.

"We invite you to join us in Black Forge. You are a very talented person. We are here to help. Come join us." Ryan reads out loud. "I need to show the others." Ryan gets up and runs to Elliot's house. Sam and Neo was there.

"Guys!" Ryan yells and runs up to them. They look shocked but then noticed the letter.
"We got the same letter." Sam says.
"You guys got invited?" Ryan asks. Elliot and Neo stares.
"No..." Elliot says.
"We got fired from our jobs." Neo says.
"Oh..." Ryan stares at them confused, then looked down at the letter. "I'm thinking about helping them."
"What why?" Neo asks.
"Because they might help find them." Ryan says as he looks down at the paper.
"Do you really think so?" Sam asks and Ryan nods.
"Yes. Cya guys." Ryan says as he leaves. The three guys trying to stop him but it was too late.

The next day, Ryan goes back to Elliot's house to talk with them again....but they weren't there. Ryan gets worried, why is everyone leaving him.

"Ryan's the name right?" A man appeared from the shadows, he wore a mask. Ryan stares at him then nods slowly.
"Who are you? Where's my family?!" Ryan yells.
"Family? They were family? But they told you not to do what you wanted to...they left you." The man says. Ryan looks down. "Don't you want to help Black Forge, Ryan?"
"No." Ryan says blankly.
"If you won't...then we'll make you...like we are Neo and Sam." The man laughs.
"Who are you." Ryan says again this time more angrily.
"My name? You already know me." Ryan could hear the smile in his voice. Ryan's eyes widen.
"What?! No s-she killed you!" Ryan yells.
"Did she?" The man laughs as two more men come in and puts a bag over Ryan's head."Take him to my wife. She'll be happy to see him." Ryan tried to fight them but he couldn't.

The men leave with Ryan, while Elliot's son saw the whole thing. James called up his cousin and his best friend.

"Guys we gotta fine Mia and the others....and quick." James says as he packed.

"Black Forge? It's an evil place! Don't trust anyone in it! Nor Collingwood!"

"That Brandon guy was right..." James says to himself.

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