I've never seen my mum and dad look this happy
Leo grips my hand
Nate's grin reaches each side of his face
It's becoming real
It's the last day with us all together
Fireworks thrill us all
I'm scared
Why is Chasity not excited?
1....Leo turns to me and kisses me ever so slightly then screams happy new year in my ear as Nate and Chasity jump on top of us.
This is the best moment of my life nothing could go wrong.
Until my brother walked in shouting "Hide me!"
Well first of all what the fuck would you do in that moment your 16 year old brother who is supposed too be 100,000 million miles away in America comes running in screaming hide me like really tho?!
We all stare in utter shock. My brother runs up stairs, not wasting any time which seemed very precious to him at the moment.
"ALEXANDER!! GET DOWN HERE NOW BEFORE I KICK YO ASS!!" My mum screamed, as a tear runs down her face she locks the door.
Gun shots.
My mum runs up stairs and ushers me, Nate, Chasity and Leo upstairs.
I couldn't just leave my dad.
"Amelia get up stairs now, protect your mother and brother. I love you."I stood there in silence.
"NOW! You've never let me down don't do it now!"
My eyes met his and I ran upstairs obeying his orders.
A loud, disruptive gun goes off and sirens fill our brains. Shortly after a groan as strong as my dads echoed the whole house. Alexander runs down stairs and cups dads head. A whimper comes out of him as tears roll down his face. I've never seen him cry like this before, he rips the table cloth off our dining room table and raps it round his head trying to stop the blood escaping from his skull.
Leo runs out side to start to speak to the officers, chastity follows.
I stood on the bottom step, froze. I can't believe what I'm seeing.
My mum sits down with her head in her hands as an officer comes to interview her. As soon as the officers come in Alexander runs out the back door.
"Alex, wait!" I try to scream but the words don't manage to make it out.Nate pulls me away. As I take the last glimpse of my dead father I feel my eyes starting to sting, fighting to give my dad one last hug.