Chapter Sixty-Six

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Two Weeks Later....

I woke up on Success and Malik's couch. I'd been here since everything went down that night two weeks ago. Things with Malik were pretty testy that night, and after his surgery he went into cardiac arrest. So leaving my cousin's side was definitely not a choice. She needed me and she still does. After two more  surgeries  that night ,Malik's condition improved and he's been home since.  I was living here temporarily. It wasn't that I was afraid to go home, or afraid of Terrell. He was where he needed to be. It's just to me that house was never really my home. I felt like it had an Omen on it, and I just didn't want to live there anymore. So I been here since that night helping with Malik around the clock. 

He was much better even walking around on his own. His doctor says he should make a full recovery, but the bullet that was lodge in his leg altered the way he walked. He's still going through therapy and  the slight limp  may never go away. Only time  would tell. 

 The sound of the bacon  sizzling made me stop daydreaming momentarily as I stood in the kitchen gazing out the window.

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 I sat it on a paper towel in a paper plate as I pick up the pancake batter and poured  a large round puddle on the griddle. Making breakfast was one of my major tasks since being here.  I wanted to do anything I could to relieve my cousin's stress. Being pregnant and caring for Malik was already hard enough for her ,so I wanted to lighten the load. A couple of nights ago she had a bloody show that was stress related, and she wanted to do whatever it took to carry her baby to term. I wanted that for her too. At least one of us  should  be blessed with a child, and if anyone deserves  a baby it's Success.

I flipped the pancake over thinking about my husband whom I haven't seen  but twice since the night he left the hospital and was taken in for  routine questioning. Of course routine questioning turned into being arrested. Yes. Tyson was sitting in a cell for the attempted murder of Terrell. The son of a bitch survived and gave his accounts of what happened that night. And with the disfigurement of Terrell's face and Tyson  DNA all over him and vise versa he was arrested. Terrell, too was arrested, but he's unable to be in a cell because of his injuries. I was assured that he was handcuffed to the rail of his  hospital bed, and had a twenty four hour guard sitting at the door. He wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, especially with the  kidnapping charges I brought against him.

"Hey.." Success walked in the kitchen distracting my thoughts. I  sat the pancake that was cooked thoroughly  on a plate and poured  another large puddle of  the batter on the griddle.

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