Chapter 2

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Izaya's POV

Last night, Shizuo-chan dropped me straight on my head and sent me straight to the hospital. Luckily, it was nothing too serious. Except the doctor still wanted me to stay overnight to make sure I didn't have a concussion.

It's now the morning after and I finally got approval to leave from the nurse.

The sound of the elevator door rung through the elevators interior. I stepped out of the elevator and and headed to the checkout counter in the hospital. I quickly signed a few papers and was on my way.

The front door was a few feet away from me when I stopped walking towards it. Through the glass door, I could see my Shizuo-chan standing by the curb. Now what was he doing here?

"Shizuo-chan..." I said as I opened the door, "Were you worried about me?"

Shizuo turned around and glared directly at me, "Why the hell would you think that?"

"Well.. what other reason would you have to be waiting outside of a hospital, Shizuo-chan~"

"You don't need to know my reasons, you flea." Shizuo lit the cigarette in his mouth and took a hit.

I skipped a little closer to Shizuo, "You put any thought into my statement?"

"What statement?" Shizuo ran his hand through his hair. Oh Shizuo-chan, you're so cute.

"Oh, you forgot already?" I smirked knowing that he didn't.

"What you said never happened." He turned his head so he didn't have to look at me. Still had the cigarette in his mouth.

"Oh Shizuo-chan, choosing to ignore the truth?" My eyes widened with excitement. He was so amusing.

"Hmmf." Shizuo crinkled his eyebrows.

"Shizuo you're so stubborn~"  I winked as I got closer to him, "you know.. these will kill you." I took the cancer stick from his mouth.

Just like that, Shizuo swung his fist at me in attempt to get his cigarette back. However, I managed to swing behind him and pull out my switch blade. I grabbed ahold of his bicep and swung him around so he was facing me. I shot up my switch blade so it was directed under his chin. I gently pressed the point against his smooth skin. I was careful not to cut him. Our faces where a few inches apart.

"Shizuo-chan... maybe this will help you to not ignore your true feelings for me." I leaned in a little until our lips intertwined. I could feel Shizuo's breath against my upper lip. It was very staggered and his heart was racing. I've been waiting for this.

Shizuo quickly pulled his face away, causing the blade under his chin to make a small incision.

"IZAYA!" Shizuo was furious.

I let out a little chuckle, "What? Don't tell me you didn't want that."

Shizuo silently lifted his leg up and kicked me in the gut. I went flying back a little while grabbing my stomach in pain.

"IZAYA! I swear to god if you do that agai-" I quickly shushed Shizuo.

"Do what? It never happened." I looked up at his soft lips and grinned. That must have gotten to Shizuo. Bet he didn't think I'd use his excuse.

"Right... it never happened." Shizuo adjusted his glasses and then started to walk away.

Before Shizuo got too far away I yelled out, "Hey Shizuo-chan!~ If you happen to recall what did happen, I would love to know." I smirked with pleasure, "You know where to find me."

To be continued...

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