Dating Kian Lawley would include

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- we all know this kid's basically an asshole so boy would he annoy you
- like all day long
- in every way possible
- but he's an angel though
- no one can make you laugh like him
- he can always cheer you up when you're sad
- he loves to see you smile and hear you laugh
- but let's be real here, his laugh is the most contagious thing in the world
-like please give me a 2 hours compilation of him laughing and I'll be happy
- going out for ice cream in the middle of the night
- or any food really
- but mostly ice cream
- he surprises you with random gifts
- like he offers you a piece of clothing and goes "I saw it and thought of you so here it goes"
- he's the sweetest
- I've said this already, haven't I
- he loves having his hands on you
- not necessarily in a sexual manner
- just an arm around your waist or shoulder
- just a hand on your leg
- he's not clingy during the day but he loves his cuddling time
- you can't sleep with him and not be in each others arms, he won't allow it
- him sometimes sleeping with his head on your chest
- he loves the feeling
- Disney marathon
- especially Tangled
- singing the songs together
- kissing at the end of the song
- someone walking in and sighing over how cute you are probably
- like so cute it's annoying
- you like when he sings
- but he almost never does it when you ask him to
- he gets flustered when you catch him passionately singing
- so much hand holding
- even during sex
- he is usually dominant
- not really rough but dominant
- but oh boy does he adore it when you take charge
- like when you get on top of him and "let me take care of you babe"
- it drives him insane
- hanging out with the House a lot
- they all support the relationship
- you love his tattoos
- he tells you about every single one of them
- "that one was basically a bet I lost against JC"
- he is the sweetest guy in the world
- I know it's the third but he is
- and I think that's long enough so yeah

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