"Avery, come over here!!" Lily shouts, motioning for me to go to her desk, diagonal to mine.
"What?" I ask, walking over to her. It's been kind of busy today, but I'm enjoying myself.
"It's you!" She shows me an article online, of Harry and I walking outside of the club from Saturday, drunk off our asses. Oh no.
"Oh, dear lord," I hide my face, seeing the pictures of Harry holding onto Nick's hand, and me holding on to Harry's as we walk to Harry's car. I don't even remember being papped. We both have our heads down, covering our faces (at least trying to). One of Harry's bodyguards tries to block the cameras, but fails. I don't even remember his bodyguard being there.
"No, it's funny!" Lily reassures, throwing her head back in a fit of laughter. It's really, really not.
"No, it's not. It's embarrassing," I sigh, shaking my head at her laughs. How did people even know we were there?
"Everyone goes out and gets drunk. We're young and just want to have a good time, you just happen to be 'caught' for it since you're dating a celebrity," Lily explains, and I shrug.
"I guess, yeah. It's just weird to me. Harry isn't a celebrity to me, he's a normal person who happens to be very talented. The public is weird," I say, sitting next to Lily, skimming through articles on my laptop of random stuff.
"Yeah, I know, it's weird. What does Harry think about it?" She asks, looking over at me.
"He doesn't talk about fame. He stays off social media for the most part, and is really humble. I admire him a lot for that," I explain, trying to put it into the best words as possible. Lily nods understandingly, and we get back to our work.
I spend most of the day proof reading articles, editing some of them, and even submitting a couple to our board. Everything that we do as a team intrigues me so much, and I love it. It's also nice to be able to talk to Lily, who sits right by me.
When I get back to my apartment, I immediately call Harry, asking him to come over. He tells me that he'll be over in 15, so I start making some dinner for the two of us. Christmas is in a little over a week, but I know Harry wants to go to England at least a couple days before.
As I'm stirring the soup, I hear a knock on my door. I open up to see Harry, wearing a cute black sweatshirt, and grey sweatpants. The sweatshirt says 'Harry' on the top corner, and I almost die from his cuteness.
"Your sweatshirt is cute," I compliment, pulling him in for a kiss. He hums against my lips, holding them together for a second.
"Thank you, it's my new merch for the tour. I brought you some things," he says, handing me a bag. I open it to see a pink noodie with Harry's name on it, the same black sweatshirt, and a black t-shirt that says "treat people with kindness", his motto. Oh, and half the boxes of condoms that we drunkenly bought, I'm assuming to keep at my house.
"Harry, this is beyond adorable. Thank you so much," I say, hugging him. He hugs me back, squeezing me tight. I sigh and take in his scent, the smell refreshing and familiar.
"Of course, love," Harry smiles, pecking my lips.
"You're being awfully nice to me," I tease, shutting my front door. Harry smirks, slipping his sneakers off.
"Am I not always nice?" He challenges, setting the bag of clothes on my coffee table.
"You are, but you're being especially nice right now," I say, giggling at his mood.
"Maybe I just love you," he states, picking me up and kissing me. I squeal at his sudden burst of affection, yet he just smirks and brings us over to the couch.
We get settled, and just comfortably lounge for a bit. Harry asks about work, and I of course tell him what happened with Lily. He laughs it off, thankfully not being bothered by the fact that we were papped.
He's in an extra good mood, and I don't know why.
"Seriously Harry, why are you so happy?" I ask, my head resting in his lap as we lay on the sofa. He puts his phone down and shrugs, smile forming on his face.
"H," I beg, and he finally gives in.
"Fine. I'm just excited because I booked our flight to England, and I'm just so happy that this is all working out. I cannot wait for you to meet my family, I can't wait to show you off," he says, running his fingers through my hair gently. His statement makes me blush, being so happy that Harry feels that way about me.
"Harry, oh my god!! I'm so excited, you have no idea," I respond, scooting up a little on his body so I can lean in and kiss him properly. He cups my face with his hands, tilting his head as he deepens the kiss.
"We leave Saturday," he states, after pulling our mouthes away. I lay my head back on his chest, cuddling into him.
"I can't wait."
"My mum is going to adore you," he says, holding me as I rest on him.
"You're too nice to me," I respond, cuddling into his chest. I listen as his heart beats steadily.
"Am not," he argues, making me giggle, firing back an "Am too."
We go on for a little bit, until I eventually fall asleep in his arms, ready for a nap.
Harry and I have been having a lot of sex lately. We've been fûcking like animals, every chance we get. Shower sex, morning sex, night sex, day sex, even over the bathroom counter. Not that I'm complaining, it just has me thinking. If we are going to have so much sex, we have to be extra careful. I don't think we need a mini Harry right now.
He hasn't brought it up again, because I know he doesn't want to push anything, but I know he's hoping I will. I need to go on birth control.
It's Tuesday, and I'm really hoping I can get an appointment in by Saturday, when we leave.
"H," I say, getting Harry's attention. He's leaving over the counter reading some recipe for vegan blueberry muffins, trying to make them for us. He hums in response, eyes glued to his phone.
"Harry," I say again, and he hums a second time. I roll my eyes, trying not to laugh at what a geek he is, so fixed on an online recipe.
"Harry Edward," I finally say, and his head snaps up to look at me.
"I've been calling your name," I laugh, and he smiles, chuckling.
"Sorry, love, I was reading that recipe," he responds, walking over to hug me from behind, giving me his attention.
"You're such a geek," I joke, making him chuckle.
He leans in and kisses me, his stubble rubbing up against my face as I tilt my head.
"Okay, you're going to want to hear this, so listen," I say, pulling back. He nods, but playfully smirks and grabs onto my hips. I ignore it, continuing on my sentence.
"I'm going to call the doctors office today to set up an appointment, for me, to you know," I say, pausing as I blush a bit. I don't know why I'm so damn sensitive.
"Go on birth control," I finish, and I feel him smirk against my neck.
"That's a great idea, baby," he says, kissing my neck softly. I arch my back at the touch, taking a sharp inhale.
"I'll be able to give you a little more lovin," he says, his kisses trailing up to under my earlobe. His breath is hot, making my body shiver.
"God, I can't wait to actually feel you. Make love to my woman properly," he whispers, caressing my hips.
"Harry," I say, my breath hitching at his words and actions. He grips onto me harder, moving his hands up to hold my breasts. I squeeze my thighs together at his actions, feeling him knead my breasts softly.
"Bedroom?" He mumbles, his lips still attached to my sensitive skin. I roll my neck to the side, allowing him more space.
"What about your muffins?" I ask, feeling him lift me up bridal style. He stands there holding me, watching me like a hawk. He bites his lip, a smirk plastered across his face.
"They can wait. Plus, I've got some other muffins to tend to," he winks, attempting to be sexy, but we both laugh loudly. He's the biggest dork.
"God, H, you're like a horny teenager," I joke, as he lays me down on his bed. I snake my hands into his hair, gripping onto the soft curls.
He lands on top of me, smirking.
"Not my fault my girlfriend is the sexiest woman in the world," he fires back, kissing and sucking on my neck. I moan into his mouth, feeling his bottom half pushed up against me.
We quickly rid of our clothing, Harry sucking love bites all over my chest. My hands never leave his messy hair, tugging and pulling as his fingers glide in and out of my entrance.
"I'm ready," I pant, finding the words in between little moans. Harry smiles softly against my shoulder, pulling his long fingers out.
I watch as he sits up and reaches into his drawer, and rolls the condom onto his dîck.
I lean in and kiss him while he does so, our mouthes hot against each other. He tastes sweet and soft, his mouth so fucking enticing.
He lightly pushes me down as we kiss, placing himself at my opening. He pushes in as our mouthes work against each other, both of us immediately moaning into each other's mouthes.
"Harry, oh my god," I moan, sucking on his bottom lip. He lets out a couple throaty groans, his eyes screwed together in concentration as he bottoms out.
"Darling, you do things to me," he whispers, while pulling back his hips and moving them back in.
I arch my back at not only his actions, but his words, my mouth falling open as he pleasures me. I feel him throb inside me as he slowly fûcks in and out, hitting the spot that makes me squirm.
"How does it feel, Av?" Harry grunts out, picking up the pace a little bit. I moan and grip onto his shoulders, nodding to give him the hint.
"So fûcking good," I respond, loving the way Harry has one hand over my head, and one hand kneading my breast.
It's not long before we are both cursing and moaning, our hips moving together with no rhythm. Harry buries his face into my neck and moans my name, stilling his hips as he comes into the condom. My hips twitch, my orgasm hitting me at the same time.
We breathe heavily against each other's mouthes, our eyes shut as we slowly catch our breaths.
Hey guys!! Sorry this chapter is super super short, but I wanted to update you guys. I'll post more later, thanks so very much for reading:)
-Claire*this chapter has been updated/edited"