Chapter X

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“Julian?” Frances pulled the barn door open. “Hello?”


 A shadowed head lifted in one of the stalls. “I’m here.”


Frances let the door creak closed and the shrieking laughter of the children dulled. She walked across the sawdust floor and leaned agains the stall wall. She folded her arms over the top and leaned over enough to make out Julian form kneeling beside one of the cows.


He lifted a hoof and was gently running his hand down the cow’s leg. He looked up at her. “Is everything all right?”


She shook her head. “Not quite. I just visited Helena. She isn’t doing too well. I think it’s time you went to tell her family. They need to know and perhaps they’ll be able to help out. At this point, money could buy more time. There is this medication that the doctor has available in town. He says that it will at least stifle the symptoms. It will make things less painful for her.”


He growled and shook his head. “Don’t you think I’ve already tried? Multiple times? They don’t want anything to do with us. With her.”


Frances rubbed the back of her neck and pushed her hair behind her ears. “Time has passed since your last visit. Perhaps their hearts have softened. Or will soften when they hear of Helena’s situation, and the children.”


Julian sighed and leaned against the stall door. The cow turned away and began munching on the pile of hay in her manger. “I don’t know.”


“I know they don’t live too far away. The children and I can manage for a few days. We’ve only just gone to town. We won’t need any more supplies.”


Julian shook his head and sighed. He picked up a piece of straw and stuck it in his mouth like a cigar. After a few moments of chewing, he spat it out. “Fine, I’ll leave in the morning.”


Frances sighed with relief. “How long do you think you’ll be gone?”


“Not too long,” he replied. “Two or three days.” He smiled thinly. “Do you think you could milk the cows while I’m gone?”


Frances chuckled and nodded. “I’d be happy to.”


“Ansi!” Winnie’s voice called out. The barn door shook and small hands pounded. “Ansi?”


Frances turned away from Julian. Before she could reply--


“Mama?” Jem’s voice laughed through the door. Frances froze and sucked in a breath. She glanced back over her shoulder and Julian stood in the stall, his eyes locked on the bottom of the door where Jem’s voice had called out. His eyes were blank but his fists were knotted. 


Frances bit her lip. “Ansi is coming, Jem,” she replied. She quickly opened the door and ushered the children away. 


They were all still outside when Julian finally came out of the barn. Frances was finishing up with her mending and the children had moved on to a game of chase. Winnie always won, but Jem was definitely have more fun, tumbling to the ground every time he was caught and making himself dizzy whenever he had to chase his sister. 

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