Rileys picture...
Draya's p.o.v.
I woke up early feeling good so I cooked breakfast for everyone. I put on a black floral crop top and a high waisted black skirt and white peep toe heels with my hair in a bun and a smokey eye. "Oh well, aren't you looking good!" Randi said walking into the living room. "So I take it that the date went well" Sevyn said while starting to eat her breakfast. "Girl yes it was amazing he's so wonderfull" I said. "Yeah he's a cutie and thanks for the breakfast. "No problem Randi and that he is" I said as she left to go to her first class of the day. As I got to my class on my desk was a bouquet of orchids and a card and I read it, "I sent an angel to look over you and a minute later the angel came back and said angels don't look over other angels -Derek" I smiled and felt arms wrapped around my waist. "So did I start your day off good" Derek said. I turned around facing him and said, "You were kind of corny but it's cute and you gave me my favorite flowers so yes thank you". Derek gave Draya a quick peck on the lips and said ," no problem love" Then he left.
After Dance practice Riley and I was talking. "We should hang out" Riley said. "Yeah you can come over to my apartment" I said. "The new ones that they built by the turner dorms" Riley said."Yeah on the fourth floor room 346" I said as Derek walked in holding shoes and said, "Hey beautiful" I kissed him and said, "Hey love". "You had left your heels in my car after we left the beach" He said as he handed them over. "Thanks I forgot uh Derek this is Riley and Riley and this is Derek" I introduced them. "Hello" Riley said she shook his hand. "Hey" He said as he turned towards Draya. "Well text me when your coming over okay Riley" I said. "Sure Okay" Riley said as she left. "You ready to go babe?" Derek asked. "Sure yeah" I said. After Derek dropped her off at home I took a shower and put on a white crop top on and pink shorts and pink huf socks and my hair in a bun. I made some S'moers and popcorn put bags of chips out and drinks and I waited for Riley to get here I went to go fix her hair and as I did that the door bell rung. So I went to go answer it and there was Riley. "Hey come on in" I said as I moved out of the way. "Hey Draya" She said as she walked in and hugged me. "Are you ready for our little sleepover?" I asked. "Yeah this should be fun" Riley said sitting on the couch. "I have snacks all out and what do you want to watch. Me personally I like funny shows" I said. "I like key and peele"She said eating some chips. "OMG so do I they are crazy we are going to watch that" I said changing the channel to comdey central. "So, is Derek like your boyfriend?" Riley asked. "No we went on one date but I wouldn't mind being his girlfriend." I said smiling from ear to ear. "Awe so where do you work?"She asked me while eating a S'more. "Oh I'm a gogo dancer at the club Juciy" I said as I smiling.
"Really I've been there I might have to come see you dance more because you are really talented" Riley said. "Yeah that would be great and can entertain me while I work". "Yeah that would be nice"She said. "So what do you do?" I asked. "I manage some music clients"She said. "Oh wow that's amazing...I sing too" I said. "Hm am I gonna hear you sing sometime"She said. "Yeah maybe I'm tired I'm gonna go crash my beds open when you ready to sleep" I said as I went to my room. Riley followed behind me. "How do you usually sleep" I asked as I sat on my bed taking off my socks. "I usually sleep in the middle; what about you" She said. "Oh I sleep by the wall always" I said.
The next morning on Saturday Randi walked in Draya's room and saw her and Riley all cuddled up in her bed. "What do you want Randi" I asked while whipping my eyes. "I wanted to know if you guys wanted to come to the mall"She said. "Sure yeah"I said. "You two look so cute"She said as she walked out. I noticed I was laying on Riley's chest. "Oh I'm so sorry" I said while pushing my hair out of my face. "Nah you all good love" She said. "I must have thought you were a pillow or something"I said in defense. "Draya you are good"she said as she giggled and she got out of bed only in boxers and a sports bra. I was staring at her body and I didn't even noticed. "Draya..Draya...Hello!"She said while waving her hands in my face. "Huh what" I snapped out of it quickly.
"Are you going to get up and get ready"She asked. "Uh yeah yeah you can go first"I told her as I started texting Derek. I went an pulled out a v-cut back out romper which was all red and some all black lace up wedges. While waiting I got a call from Derek. "Hello". "Hey D how are you doing love". "I'm great what about you". "Good about to go to work what are you doing". "Oh um waiting for Riley to get out of the shower". "Oh that Dyke...why is she even over there"He said rudely. "Dyke? that's not nice and shes my friend and we had a sleepover last night". "Well I don't like her being around you". "Oh and why is that Randi is always around me and shes your best friend". "Randi is a lesbian but, Riley is a big ass Dyke"He yelled at me. "what's the difference they both are female". "Randi is girly and Riley is a nigga". "She's just a little bit more masculine but that's fine". "Hm yeah I got to go baby". "Dont call me baby you hypocrite" I yelled at him and hung up my phone.
Riley walked out the bathroom with boxers and a sports bra on. "You can go in now...Hey what's wrong your face is burning red". "I just got off the phone with Derek" I said. "What did he do?"She asked as she took her clothes out. "He got mad because we are friends. Like Randi is a lesbian and they are best friends and the moment I have a friend who is just more boyish its a problem with him like I cant choose my own friends nigga please"I said getten shaken up. Riley took me into her arms and hugges me tight. "Hey everything is going to be fine Draya don't worry about him..hes probably scaref ill take you from him or something". "Why would he think that....did you do that before". "Maybe once or twice". "Oh well damn your a threat I get it now"I said as I went and took a shower. I walkes out with my hair all wet and curly and blow dry my hair and put my clothes and we linked up with Randi and Khris and headed to the mall.