Chris Halliwell - You're cute

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I put a flower in the potion and pink smoke appear. I am trying to make a potion to color my hair for Halloween but last time I tried to do it, I ended up with snakes on my head. Phoebe, Paige and Piper let me used the book of shadow for this one which I hope I am doing right. I search for a new ingredient when I hear someone coming in the attic.

- hi there ! I say smiling to Chris.
- hey you, what are you making up ? He asks looking at the potion.
- I.. huh.. trying to make a new potion ?
- I can see but what for ? He asks laughing. I take and ingredient and throw it into the potion.
- I want to color my hair for Halloween so I'm trying to make a potion that will colored it for few hours only.
- well, try to not end up like last time, he jokes. I glare at him reconcentrate on the book before he exit the attic. I throw a new ingredient but it caused an explosion. I fly across the room and landed on the floor. Footsteps are heard in the corridor. What happened ? Are you al-- Woah, say Chris with wide eyes.
- what ? Do I have snakes again ? I say while standing up and go to the first mirror I found. I made it ! My hair are purple !! I MADE IT CHRIS !! I scream happily and run back to the attic. I jump on Chris who catches me directly. He stumble back a bit.

He puts me back down on the wooden floor and I look up at him with pink cheeks. I never admit it but I have a massive crush on Chris since he arrived here.

- sorry for jumping on you like that, I say laughing awkwardly.
- don't, I like hugging you. Especially after a long day, I smile brightly even though I can feel my cheeks burning up more and more.
- huh... I have to.. huh.. to go, yes, I have to go get my costume with huh... Phoebe for the party at P3.
- okay, he says chuckling, I'll see you at P3 then. He kisses my cheek and orbs out. I let a long breath escape my mouth before going downstairs.

At P3, the ambiance is amazing. Everyone has a costume, drinks, laughs, talks, jokes, drinks again, dances,... I haven't seen Chris yet and I have to admit that I am stressing right now. I don't know why though.
The night passes by and it is 3 in the morning. Everybody is gone and I help the sisters to clean everything. My hair are back to their normal color. I changed into something more comfortable with a grey sport pants and a long light pink t-shirt. I go to the back to get some bag to put the dishes in when I bumped into someone making glasses to fall on the floor and break.

- oh my God, I'm so sorr-- Chris ? Oh, I thought I bumped into someone else, I say as I pick up the broken pieces. I don't want to look at him right now.
- no it's okay. Hum-- let me do it, I don't want you to cut your fingers.
- no it's okay, I say sharply.
- You looked cute with your purple hair, I just say thank you still trying to get all the pieces together.
- bad night ? He asks while taking a piece on glass.
- No.
- why are you so moody then ? He asks gently. I was about to answer him but instead I stand up and went to the back. I need fresh air. I told my arms over my chest and look at the moon. Tell me what's wrong, say Chris who just orbed beside me.
- Nothing Chris, really.
- then look at me Ivy. He says walking to be in front of me. Ivy, please, he puts his thumb under my chin and make me look at him. Tell me.
- you.
- me what ?
- I'm mad at you.
- why ? Because I was waiting for you tonight. I was bored with a those... People.
- but you danced and you looked amazing in your costume.
- wait, you were there ? Why you didn't come ?
- because you seemed to have a good time.
- I kept looking for you all along the night.
- I get that but why ? D--
- Because I love you Chris ! Okay, I love you. I wanted to dance at least one time with you and had fun but you didn't come so I thought you had better to do, I could feel some tears coming up. You know what, forget what I just told you. Goodnight.
I was about to walk back inside the P3 when I suddenly am in P3. I turn around and look at Chris. I see him gesture to the radio, puting a slow music on and walking toward me.
- May I ? He ask while giving me his hand. I look at him and smile before nodding. We start dancing on the song, just the two of us in the room. I'm sorry I didn't come.
- forget it, it's cool.
- Ivy, I need to tell you something.
- yeah ? We stop dancing and I look up at him. He lets a shaky stressfull breath come out of his mouth. His left hand goes on my neck before he leans in. His lips met mine. I respond directly to it. He pushes me to one of the table and put me on it so I sit while he stands up. Our lips move in sync. After several minutes, we pull away out of breath, his head going in the hallow of my neck.
- I love you so much and since the first day I saw you, he whispers.
- I love you too Chris, he kisses my neck and back to my lips.

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