Barbie Doll {Dorl} ~ 1

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Denis's POV
"Denis! Can you go get Ana for dinner?" My mother asked. I was helping her with the dishes. "Sure, Mom" I said. I began walking upstairs. "Ana! Dinner is ready!" I yelled, no answer. "ANA!" I yelled again. Still no answer. I went into her room just in case she was playing hide and seek again. I noticed all her toys were on the floor. "Ana! Mom said to pick up your toys" I said. I began to pick up the toys, when I came across This one Guy Doll. He had Bright Blue eyes, Rosy Cheeks and lips, and Had Fluffy Hair. I examined the doll, it was...Gorgeous. "Why are you touching Braden! That's my favorite Doll!" Ana came in snatching the doll from my hands. "Braden?" I asked. That's a nice name..."Yes, Corl." She answered. "But you just said Braden!?" I said. "I know Corl is his nickname" She answered. "You really have a whole background for This doll, Huh?" I said slightly laughing. "...It said all this on the box. Remember when we when to Wizardry and Wonders? The Owner Alex gave it to me." She explained. "He What?" I asked. "He gave me this Doll... Something about it involving you. I don't know.." She said. "Then We should probably give it back..." I said taking the doll. "Denis!!! NO!" She grabbed the doll. "This is mine! I'm keeping it." She said. "Fine...Fine...Mom said its time for dinner" I said. "YAY!" She rushed downstairs with Braden in her arms. I picked up a few more Doll....Black Curly Hair, Glasses, Wears green and another one that had dirty blonde hair and was wearing his hat on backwards... He was wearing Orange. Another one looked like the last but was wearing a teal shirt with a 'B' and was wearing a yellow helmet. While putting he dolls in the toy chest, I noticed the Box. There was 3 Boxes...One that was for Braden... One for The Green guys, who's name was apparently Sub. And the last box was for the last two dolls. I read the last box....

The Best Bros..
Meet Ethan and Elijah
They are twin brothers
With them your sure to have tons of fun
It'll be the best time of your life
Elijah, Also know as Sketch loves to goof around with his Brother.
Ethan, is older then Elijah by 40-45 Min. Hey enjoys playing videogames with Elijah...Don't forget to collect the rest of The Gang.

I paused at the last part...


Me...I was the last doll. I looked at the picture on the back of each of the members. I looked at my package next to the words Denis. The Doll had a I ❤ Cats Shirt....Just like the one I had on Now. "Denis Dinner is-" I didn't hear the rest of my mother's voice. I was in my bed, it wasn't as comfortable them normal....Felt like Straight up wood. I had a thin cloth over me as a cover...I know for a fact I had a comforter. I got out of bed and when to the bathroom, I went to brush my hair. I looked for my brush and found a plastic One? Maybe Ana just moved it...I tried to brush my hair but All I heard was *Clank* when the brush hit my hair. I touched my hair and it didn't move. It stayed in place...Too much hair gel perhaps? I took at look at my skin...Shining more then usual. I touched it and it felt hard. I started to push harder until I made a dent in my skin. "OW!!" I screamed in pain. This isn't my normal Skin...I'm made of Plastic...Does that.....Oh No.

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